Proposed amendments to the Condominium Property Act would strengthen the self-governance of condominiums, reduce financial risk for owners and corporations, and increase clarity for volunteer boards.
“Condominium corporations have been telling us for a long time that the Condominium Property Act needs more flexibility, and we are listening. These common-sense changes will bring significant improvements to self-governance and financial protection for condominium owners, and are more reflective of the realities of everyday life.”
“The Association of Condominium Managers of Alberta (ACMA) is in full support of the changes as proposed by the Alberta government. We are grateful that Minister Glubish engaged in a thorough consultation process with the sector and are excited to have greater flexibility and clarity in the application of this legislation. This is a big step forward.”
“The Condo Owners Forum Society of Alberta has participated in consultations with Service Alberta on the Condominium Property Act for a number of years. These changes were necessary to fine-tune the legislation and reflect the reality of how the legislation works in practice. If passed, these amendments will improve condo regulation in the province.”
“If passed, we hope the changes to chargebacks will have tangible and positive impacts in the condo community. These improvements are long overdue, and we are grateful to Minister Glubish for carrying them across the finish line.”
“We are pleased to see the government respond to our advocacy efforts by bringing these changes forward. By cutting red tape and listening to stakeholders, the amendments proposed will be of great help to the condominium community.”
“These amendments represent a great step forward when it comes to making sure the Condominium Property Act works as intended to protect consumers. The amendments will help ensure that those doing damage are held financially accountable while also providing a framework for individuals to challenge doubtful or unsubstantiated chargebacks.”
Proposed amendments would:
- Enable a simple, owner-based method of voting in condominium corporation meetings for simple matters.
- Enable corporations to set their own alternative to unit factor voting in bylaws.
- Allow owners to request a unit-factor vote before the results of a simple vote are announced.
- Enable corporations to charge back costs related to repairs for damages as a result of an owner or occupant or person for whom the owner or occupant is responsible, as set out in regulation.
- Allow damage chargebacks to include reasonable administrative costs, related service costs and legal fees.
- Include damage and insurance deductible chargebacks as contributions and allow corporations to include reasonable administrative and legal costs on unpaid contributions when filing a caveat.
- Set out in regulation the requirements and transparent procedure for fairly assigning damage chargebacks as well as a way for owners to contest the damage chargeback.