As part of Alberta’s Recovery Plan, these projects will help organizations supporting Albertans address a range of social issues such as mental health, homelessness and domestic violence.
“Civil society organizations have continued to offer supports and have worked diligently to address issues throughout the province during the challenging times we have faced. This critical funding will help fuel our province’s economic recovery and protect the Albertans who need it most.”
Alberta taxpayers will invest a total of $7 million, with funding per project ranging from $35,900 to $550,000. Organizations will have up to two years to complete their projects.
“Without the investment and support of Alberta’s government, critical programs that operate through EPIC Youth Services would be impossible to run. The grant provided through the Civil Society Fund will enable us to continue offering invaluable social and mental health supports to the youth of our community. Thanks to the advocacy and efforts of Minister Jason Luan and our local MLA, Joseph Schow, hundreds of youth will be supported and have a place to belong.”
“This project will be a game-changer, taking the model of innovation labs and expanding it to engage people who may have little experience in innovation in a process that challenges perspectives and everyday practice. An adaptive sector will benefit all Albertans, who will have improved opportunities to participate in prevention and in addressing pervasive social issues like abuse. This work, and the benefits it will bring, would be impossible without the grant from the Civil Society Fund.”
“Thank you to Alberta’s government and Community and Social Services who continue to invest in unique, innovative services across the province that work to end gender-based violence. This funding will directly impact our ability to connect with more Albertans in rural and remote locations, and provide the ongoing support necessary for transformational change to occur. As a civil society organization that works on the prevention side of gender-based violence, we look forward to supporting the shift in cultures and environments where violence and abuse will no longer be tolerated.”
Budget 2022 includes an additional $6 million for the Civil Society Fund – completing the government’s three-year $20-million platform commitment to increase the capacity of civil society to address social issues.
A full list of the successful grant recipients can be found online.
Quick facts
- The government received 295 proposals for funding.
- Civil Society Fund funding is one-time only.
- Eligible applicants could request up to $1 million for their project.
- Successful applicants will have up to 24 months from the date of the grant agreement to complete their grant activities.
- Alberta has more than 26,200 non-profit organizations.
- The sector employs more than 280,000 Albertans.
- Each year, 1.6 million Albertans provide 262 million volunteer hours.