“Due to the extraordinary volume, breadth and depth of the input provided by Albertans, the Coal Policy Committee requested an extension to the deadline for both their engagement and final reports.
“An extension until Dec. 31 has been granted to ensure the committee is able to devote the necessary time and attention to the input they have received and to their recommendations. The reports will be reviewed in detail by the government before being released publicly.
“We appreciate the committee’s ongoing and extensive work to ensure the views of Albertans are reflected in the reports. We also thank all those who participated in the engagement process.
“In addition, the halt on all coal activity and exploration in Category 2 lands – which was set to expire at the end of this year – will be extended until further notice.
“The government remains committed to the development of a modern coal policy made by Albertans for Albertans. I look forward to receiving both of the committee’s reports.”
“The Coal Policy Committee is grateful for the outpouring of interest throughout the engagement process. We met with representatives from Indigenous communities and their organizations, municipalities, unions, coal companies and their associations, and many other interest groups and ENGOs. In fact, we extended the engagement period by two months until the end of September. In total, we received more than 1,000 email submissions and over 170 detailed written submissions, along with associated materials from 67 engagement sessions.
“The committee has been unwavering in our commitment to procedural fairness and transparency. We have requested a deadline extension so that we may better compile, assess and report on the extensive and insightful input submitted. We are honoured to have been entrusted with this engagement and we reiterate our promise to ensure that the opinions about a modernized coal policy expressed by so many Albertans are accurately and proportionately reflected in our final reports to the Minister of Energy.”