The new program offers one-time capital grants to support building, upgrading or renovating continuing care spaces. By advancing continuing care capacity, either on- or off-reserves and Metis settlements, Alberta’s government will provide better access to health services for Indigenous people.
“Indigenous people in our province need access to local care equipped with culturally relevant services. That’s why I’m so pleased we’re moving forward with the launch of the Continuing Care Capital Program. This new program will offer an opportunity to develop continuing care spaces sensitive to the needs of Indigenous communities through capital grant funding.”
“Residents will have a better quality of life staying closer to their loved ones and communities. Those communities will also benefit by being able to develop and manage continuing care centres, bringing new employment opportunities for their members.”
Budget 2021 allocates more than $154 million over three years for the Continuing Care Capital Program under three funding streams. The first stream focuses on developing continuing care capacity with Indigenous groups and organizations, the second on increasing continuing care capacity in previously identified priority communities and the third on modernizing existing facilities.
“We’re very pleased Siksika Nation, and other First Nations, are able to be part of the province’s plan to increase continuing care spaces both on- or off-reserve. With government support, the continuing care capital program could provide both job opportunities for our nation, and ensure our Elders receive culturally safe and appropriate care within the community.”
“The health and well-being of Elders is of utmost importance – opportunities to design and deliver continuing care close to home is important for all members of our Nation.”
“Métis people have long and proud history in Alberta, and have pioneered a number of innovative programs and services related to education, housing, and business. The opportunity to work in partnership with the Government of Alberta to potentially access capital funding to design and deliver continuing care infrastructure for Metis Seniors would be a first in Alberta, and I am proud to be a partner in this work.”
This new capital grant program is part of the government’s broader commitment to expand continuing care capacity in the province and address some of the recommendations identified in the Facility-Based Continuing Care Review Final Report.
Project proposals received from eligible applicants in all three of the continuing care capital program funding streams will be assessed on a competitive basis for one-time grant funding. The application intake for the second and third grant funding streams will open later this fiscal year.
Quick facts
- The deadline for applications is Dec.17.
- Eligible applicants must be a legal entity located in Alberta and include:
- First Nation “Band” as defined in Canada’s Indian Act
- First Nations
- Aseniwuche Winewak Nation
- First Nation-owned corporations
- Tribal councils and treaty organizations
- Metis Settlements General Council
- Metis Settlements
- Métis Nation of Alberta Association
- Other Métis regional or local associations or societies
- Indigenous-owned businesses or development corporations
- Indigenous not-for-profit organizations with a mandate related to the objectives of the Continuing Care Capital Program Indigenous stream
- The continuing care capital program helps to address recommendation 10 of the Facility-Based Continuing Care Review Final Report for the government to work with Indigenous groups to develop continuing care capacity.