Broken down by gender, there was a net gain of 173 female doctors and 73 male doctors. The increasing number of doctors remains consistent with the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA) five-year history of registration statistics.
“This report shows that doctors continue to choose to live and practise in Alberta in impressive numbers – and for good reason. Alberta pays more than any other province, has lower taxes, and now has the most attractive compensation package available for rural and remote doctors in Canada.”
Quick facts:
- In the July to September third quarter, there was an inflow of 294 and an outflow of 47, leaving a net gain of 247 doctors.
- Out of the 294 doctors recorded under inflow:
- Nine returned to Alberta
- 142 are newly licensed doctors who were trained in Alberta
- 139 are newly licensed in Alberta, but were not trained in Alberta in the last year
- Four are doctors who had their names reinstated
- Out of the 47 doctors recorded under outflow:
- 13 left Alberta
- Four gave up their licence
- Five were suspended or had their licence removed
- Three are deceased
- 22 retired