“International Overdose Awareness Day is observed annually on Aug. 31. This year marks the 20th anniversary of this global campaign.
“In 2019, more than 780 people died of overdose from opioids, other drugs and alcohol in Alberta. Each of these deaths represents a member of our community – someone who was loved and deserving of compassion and support.
“Today is a day to remember and grieve – and also a time to act. We can each do our part to raise awareness that overdose is preventable and recovery from addiction is possible. To those living in recovery from addiction, we encourage you to share your experience, strength and hope to help others. Talk to your friends and family; share the message on social media using #endoverdose or #recoveryispossible.
“Everyone deserves to have the opportunity to recover from addiction and achieve overall physical, mental and emotional wellness. Alberta’s government continues to focus on improving the mental health and addiction continuum of care in our province. Historic investments in addiction services mean more Albertans will have access to publicly funded, life-saving supports focused on long-term recovery.
“If you are experiencing addiction, please reach out for help. The Addiction Helpline is a 24/7, confidential, toll-free service that provides support, information and referral to services. Call 1-866-332-2322.”