Check against delivery
Good afternoon, thank you all for coming.
Since yesterday, we have confirmed 31 new cases of COVID-19.
This means that 226 cases have now been identified in our province.
We suspect up to 16 of these cases may be community transmission.
Eleven individuals are now hospitalized and six are receiving care in the ICU, which is one additional ICU admissions over the past 24 hours.
There have been no additional deaths.
The number of recovered cases was three yesterday and we have not received an updated number today.
I want to reiterate Dr. Hinshaw’s gratitude to all Albertans for continuing to take the necessary steps to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.
I know these steps may be particularly difficult on the weekend, when many of us would normally be out and about with our friends and families.
For many Albertans, weekends mean fellowship with their chosen faith community.
Worship services may still take place…
…provided gatherings are less than 50 people…
…and those who attend in person practice social distancing and proper hand hygiene upon entering and exiting the building.
Anyone who is ill, even with mild symptoms, must not attend.
I want to thank Albertans for continuing to prioritize the health of the most vulnerable members of our society by staying home whenever possible…
…practicing social distancing while you are out…
…and reaching out to your loved ones who may be struggling with loneliness and isolation.
Seniors may be in particular need of support at this time.
As you reach out to your elderly loved ones, please remind them to be vigilant of online or phone scams.
In particular, no one from Alberta Health or Alberta Health Services will be calling and asking for social insurance numbers or banking information.
We must continue to look out for one another and work together to prevent the spread.
Today, you may have seen that some prominent Albertans are also sending that message.
The Help Prevent the Spread video is a great reminder that we must all work together to decrease the number of people becoming ill and reduce the speed of spread.
This is called flattening the curve.
The video is posted on Alberta government social media channels.
I know Albertans are taking these public health measures seriously…
…and taking the necessary steps to prevent the spread, despite the disruptions to their daily lives.
Thank you for your efforts during this extraordinary time.
Thank you.