“We are confident that Alberta has a strong regulatory framework to reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas sector that will meet incoming federal standards. Having our made-in-Alberta regulation recognized by the federal government is crucial to maintaining our reputation as one of the world’s most environmentally responsible energy-developing jurisdictions. From the start, we have made our intentions very clear.
“Minister Nixon and his federal counterpart, Minister Jonathan Wilkinson, have agreed to work together to streamline industries’ registration by recognizing the Alberta reporting system. An information letter is being provided to industry to ensure they are informed about this and what is required for Jan. 1, 2020. Industry will not be burdened by a double registration process.
“The Government of Alberta will continue to push for federal equivalency. Our phased-in approach will provide industry more flexibility to meet the unique needs of upstream oil and gas producers, while encouraging innovative ways to reduce methane emissions.
“Our priority is to achieve equivalency with the federal system, and we will continue to work with the federal government on analysis of the data and on understanding the modelling methodology.
“Our provincial approach to reduce emissions from methane by 45 per cent from 2014 levels by 2025 is a cost-effective way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and their associated impacts.
“Standing up for Alberta’s jurisdiction over our energy policies plays a crucial role in our overall effort to revitalize the province’s energy sector while maintaining competitiveness, attracting new investment, creating good-paying jobs and cementing positive environmental outcomes. We will continue to fight to have our provincial methane reduction regulation recognized as equivalent to the federal standards.
“There’s an urgency to resolve this issue. Alberta maintains its jurdiction on energy policy and is ready to provide industry a regulatory framework balancing both the environment and economy.”