“For too long, the reputation of Alberta’s energy sector has been damaged by a deceitful campaign to landlock the oilsands.
“That’s why our government has started the process of creating the Canadian Energy Centre to fight for the oil and gas sector – and the Albertans it employs. Once operational, the centre will take a fact-based approach to counteracting the misinformation about our industry. It will collaborate with industry, academia, Indigenous peoples and others to tell the truth: that Alberta energy is responsibly produced and indispensable – to Canada and the world.
“The Canadian Energy Centre will focus on improving perceptions about the oil and gas industry. Once fully functional, it will be a leading and authoritative voice on Alberta’s energy resources. The centre will accomplish this objective by establishing three business units, each assigned a core function.
“The rapid response unit will be responsible for issuing swift responses to misinformation spread through social and traditional media. The energy literacy unit will create original content to elevate the general understanding of Alberta’s energy sector, and help the province take control of its energy story. Finally, the data and research unit will be in charge of centralizing and analyzing data to reinforce this story with factual evidence for investors, researchers and policy makers.
“Tom Olsen, long-time Alberta journalist and former legislature bureau chief, has been appointed as the managing director of the Canadian Energy Centre. He will begin to operationalize the corporation immediately, including establishing priority action items for each of these three units.
“I look forward to the official launch of the Canadian Energy Centre before the end of the year. The economic future of our province – and our country – is at stake, and our government will not let Albertans down.”