This release was issued under a previous government.
Organizations can now apply for Family and Community Safety Program grants that support their work to prevent family and sexual violence, promote healthy relationships and create inclusive communities.
Successful projects work to connect community members and expand supports for diverse populations, including the disability community, and Indigenous and LGBTQ groups.
“Safe and healthy communities are important to all Albertans. These projects will help organizations identify local needs and create responses that work best for their communities. I have seen the success of these projects across Alberta and I am proud to be part of a government that will continue to support these important initiatives.”
The government has dedicated $5.5 million to fund the projects. Community-based and non-profit service providers are eligible for grants of up to $250,000. Since 2015, the government has invested $33.7 million in 121 community projects across the province. Almost half of the projects were delivered by agencies in smaller centres or rural and remote communities.
In the Calgary region, Punjabi Community Health Services received a grant to offer individual and family counselling for hundreds of people in Calgary’s South Asian community. The funding was also used to offer support groups for men and training for first responders.
“With support from the Family and Community Safety Program, we are strengthening resiliency by reducing barriers and stigma with respect to family violence, addiction and mental health issues. ‘Sahara’ means support in many South Asian languages, and we collaborate with other agencies to support people so that they do not suffer in silence.”
Other organizations that have received support include HIV Community Link and the Further Education Society of Alberta. Both used the funding to create new violence prevention programs such as outreach supports for underserved populations and literacy programs for vulnerable populations.
Quick facts
- Community-based and non-profit service providers are eligible for FCSP funding.
- Apply by visiting
- Successful applicants may receive up to $250,000 for one year.
- Past recipients and those who have never received funding may apply.
- Email [email protected] for more information.