This release was issued under a previous government.
Tryon’s Auto Body Ltd. and company director Jonah Tryon were found to have interfered with an inspector or investigator who was exercising powers or carrying out duties under the act.
The company was fined $30,000 and Tryon was fined $10,000 and placed on probation for one year. Charges against a second director, Cathy Tryon, were dismissed.
Incident details
Jonah and Cathy Tryon and Tryon’s Auto Body Ltd. were charged under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act with interfering with Alberta Environment and Parks inspectors or investigators who were exercising their powers or carrying out duties under the act.
The offence occurred between July 7, 2016 and Aug. 30, 2016.
Alberta Environment and Parks inspectors and investigators have the authority to visit and inspect businesses that could affect the environment. Provincial legislation requires that individuals and businesses not interfere with inspectors and investigators who are lawfully using their statutory powers or carrying out their duties.
The ministry focuses on education, prevention and enforcement to ensure all Albertans continue to enjoy a clean and healthy environment. When individuals or companies fail to comply with legislation, Environment and Parks has a range of options, depending on the offence, to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.