This release was issued under a previous government.
The Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC) will use $54 million in funding from the Climate Leadership Plan to deliver multi-year programs for small-scale community generation, energy-efficiency upgrades for buildings, solar energy for schools and more.
“From solar panels on schools to energy-efficient hockey arenas, this grant invests carbon levy revenues into programs that will empower municipal leaders and their organizations to make life better for Albertans. Our government is proud to continue supporting municipalities as we work together to advance clean technology, create jobs, save money and reduce emissions.”
MCCAC provides funding, technical assistance and education to help Alberta municipalities address climate change. It is a collaboration between the Government of Alberta, the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties, and the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association.
“I know first-hand that many municipalities share our government’s commitment to advancing Alberta’s climate leadership goals. The MCCAC is an example of the strong, collaborative relationship that exists between the Government of Alberta, the AUMA and the AAMDC. I think this is a great investment into programs that will affect all Albertans in meaningful, lasting ways.”
The grant builds on MCCAC’s current programs, which fund solar panel installations, energy-efficiency audits and retrofits, as well as climate change resilience workshops.
The new funding will help ensure that the buildings Albertans rely on, including community arenas, recreational centres and swimming pools, are more energy-efficient and sustainable for the long term.
“The Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties is encouraged by this new injection of funding into the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre. We believe that the magnitude of this new funding is an important recognition of the role municipalities play in addressing climate change. For almost 10 years, the AAMDC has worked with municipal partners and the MCCAC to support clean energy investments in municipalities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across Alberta. We look forward to continuing to work with the MCCAC to get this new funding flowing to local projects throughout Alberta’s rural communities.”
“AUMA has always advocated for a collaborative partnership to address climate change. We recognize the Alberta government’s commitment to MCCAC, a successful municipal-provincial collaboration that demonstrates all levels of governments working together to address climate change. This funding enables municipalities to continue to build climate change resilience, improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gases. We look forward to this investment to support local climate change initiatives in our communities.”
Grant details
- $16.5 million for Renewable Energy and Community Generation, supporting smaller-scale renewables projects in municipalities across the province.
- $17.5 million for Community Infrastructure Greening, helping municipalities reduce greenhouse gas emissions by retrofitting existing municipal buildings such as community rinks, arenas, swimming pools, and more.
- $5 million for Municipal Fleet Greening, which would target the testing of electric busing in municipalities with a view to sharing the knowledge and experience broadly across the AUMA and AAMDC.
- $15 million for Renewable Energy for Schools, providing funding to school authorities to install solar technology systems on existing school facilities.
MCCAC’s Alberta Municipal Solar Program has supported about 85 jobs since March 2016. In 2016-17, the existing municipal solar program supported 36 projects, representing 23 municipalities, resulting in combined annual savings to municipalities of close to $500,000 on power bills.