This release was issued under a previous government.
Orkin was fined $70,000 after pleading guilty on August 31 for failing to report a release of a substance into the environment, a violation of the Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act. Under a creative sentencing order, $50,000 of the fine will be diverted to Lakeland College to fund the development of national manuals for fumigation and structural pesticide application.
Orkin was also penalized $80,000 after pleading guilty to one count under the federal Pest Control Products Act for handling/using/disposing of a registered pest-control product in a manner inconsistent with product labelling.
In an agreed statement of facts, the company indicated that employees did not properly use and dispose of the pesticide Magtoxin following the January 2015 incident.
There was no risk to the public as a result of this event.
Alberta Environment and Parks focuses on education, prevention and enforcement to ensure all Albertans enjoy a clean and healthy environment. The ministry enforces environmental regulations when individuals or companies fail to comply with legislation.