This release was issued under a previous government.
The Wildfire Evacuee Transitional Accommodation benefit (WETA) is available to evacuees who do not have insurance or who have insufficient insurance to pay for temporary accommodation costs in Alberta. The benefit covers rent, damage deposit and utility connections for up to 90 days from the date of evacuation.
“Now that residents are safely out of danger, we are making sure they have a stable and suitable place to live until they can return home or have arrangements for longer-term housing. Evacuees who need assistance with short-term housing because they don’t have insurance can be assured the Alberta government is there to help.”
The benefit may also apply to hotel room costs while evacuees arrange temporary housing.
Eligible evacuees can contact 310-4455 for information and apply in person at Alberta Works offices throughout the province. Residents must present personal identification, their Canadian Red Cross registration number, proof of primary residence in the evacuated area and confirmation ofthe address of their temporary housing (such as hotel receipts or a rental agreement).
- Must be over 18. Only one adult may apply per household.
- Must be for residence or accommodation needs in Alberta.
- Must have no insurance or insufficient insurance to pay for housing needs.
Income is not used to determine eligibility for WETA.
Evacuees seeking temporary housing in rental accommodations can visit the Centralized Housing Registry website or contact a private landlord or rental agency.