This release was issued under a previous government.

Albertans with develompental disabilities, their families and guardians, service providers, community members, landlords, and other stakeholders are invited to share their ideas and proposed solutions about safety that respect the personal choices, privacy, priorities and needs of the disability community. 

Albertans can go online at to fill out a survey or get information about a community forum where the consultation team of representatives from the disability community will listen to ideas and proposed solutions about not only about safety, but also affirming the rights of people with developmental disabilities to live in their community with dignity.

Phase one of the consultation period will end on March 14, 2016. The consultation team will submit a summary report to the Minister of Human Services before March 31, 2016. The report will highlight key themes heard throughout the engagement and inform phase two of the engagement. Participants from both the online and in-person engagements will have an opportunity to indicate interest in participating in this next phase.