This release was issued under a previous government.
Between 2008 and 2012, on average each year, more than 90 people were killed and 1,480 people were injured in collisions involving a driver who had consumed alcohol.
“Driving impaired, whether by alcohol, drugs, fatigue or distraction, imposes enormous cost to our society. Families, the health care system, the legal system, insurance companies and the general public all pay a tremendous price for impaired driving.”
Choosing to drive while impaired by drugs or alcohol may result in a criminal record and cost you your freedom, your dignity, your job, and even your life or the lives of those you love.
“Unfortunately, impaired driving is still the leading criminal cause of death in Canada. Throughout August, RCMP and Integrated Traffic officers will be conducting additional Checkstops across the province to address this serious problem. We want to remind drivers that there are other safe options, such as cabs or calling a sober friend for a ride, other than getting behind the wheel after drinking.”
Impaired Driving Facts
- One in five drivers involved in fatal collisions had been drinking prior to the crash. This compares to an average of about one in 20 drivers involved in injury collisions. As the severity of the collision increases, so does the likelihood that alcohol was a factor.
- Those 18 to 21 years of age were most likely to have been drinking before a collision, with male drivers more likely than female drivers to have consumed alcohol before a collision.
- The highest numbers of casualty collisions involving alcohol occur during warmer months, from April to September, and are often associated with long weekends.
- Most casualty collisions involving alcohol happen on weekends, and the most likely time period is 11 p.m. to 3 a.m.
- On average, 8,600 people are convicted of impaired driving in Alberta each year.
- At .05 blood alcohol content, the probability of being in a crash doubles.
- Even at .05 blood alcohol content, drivers may experience impaired judgement, lowered alertness, difficulty steering and reduced coordination.