This release was issued under a previous government.
Expert presenters at each session will provide helpful information, strategies and resources for families, caregivers and professionals who are supporting individuals affected by FASD and children experiencing mental health challenges.
“Achieving the best outcomes for vulnerable Albertans and putting children first means ensuring their families and the people who care for them have access to the most current information. That’s why our government is making it easier for Albertans to access training and resources that increase their knowledge and help support the people they care for.”
The first session of the Children’s Mental Health Learning Series is on October 24. Presenter Evelyn Wotherspoon, a social worker and Zero To Three fellow, will discuss the core story of development – what it is, how it happens and how development is derailed by adverse early experiences. Future sessions will cover topics in the areas of brain development, mental health diagnosis, creating safe and stimulating environments, and trauma-informed practice.
The next session of the FASD Learning Series is on November 20 and will feature Kirsty Prasad, a mental health and addictions specialist from Alberta Health Services. She will speak about gender and addiction and those at risk for having alcohol-exposed pregnancies – what is unique about women and substance use, and barriers they may face. Future sessions will feature topics ranging from culturally sensitive prevention strategies, to school-based interventions, and supporting individuals who have both FASD and mental health challenges.
All sessions from both series will be recorded and available online at and as a lasting resource for families, caregivers and professionals.
Related information
Children’s Mental Health Learning Series