This release was issued under a previous government.
International and Intergovernmental Relations Minister Cal Dallas and Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Minister Diana McQueen will travel separately to Europe September 28 to October 5. They will reinforce Alberta’s position as an innovator and leader in responsible energy development and meet with decision makers on the Fuel Quality Directive (FQD).
Ministers Dallas and McQueen will advocate for Alberta on the proposed FQD implementing measures in meetings with key government representatives from influential European Union member states.
“Alberta supports the intent of the FQD, but our specific concern is with the Commission’s proposed implementing measures that unscientifically discriminate against oil sands-derived fuels and could unfairly restrict future market access. This mission will play a critical role in driving home our concerns about discrimination against such a key component of Alberta’s and Canada’s economies.”
The EU environment ministers are expected to take part in a final vote on the proposed implementing measures before the end of the year. Minister Dallas and Minister McQueen will focus their efforts on sharing information on Alberta’s actions in environmental monitoring, reclamation, greenhouse gas reduction, and continued investment in clean and alternative energy technologies.
“The upcoming European FQD vote is a critical policy decision that could affect market access for Alberta’s oil, not only to Europe, but around the world. This mission is our opportunity to educate decision-makers on Alberta’s work on environmental management, monitoring and reporting as a transparent and responsible energy producer and ensure the implementation of the FQD is based on sound science.”
Minister Dallas’ mission will take him to Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Lithuania and Latvia where he will focus on telling Alberta’s clean energy story while promoting opportunities for increased trade and investment.
Minister McQueen’s mission will see her meet with influential decision makers in France, Slovakia, Austria, Croatia, Greece and Sweden where she will participate in key discussions to highlight Alberta’s dedication to integrated resource and land management.
“Building new markets is a key part of our government’s Building Alberta Plan. The European Union is Alberta’s fourth largest export destination, and it’s essential that we take every opportunity to engage with our partners in the European Union to share information about Alberta’s innovation in clean energy technologies, as well as our attractive business and investment climate.”
The ministers will each be accompanied by one staff member. The estimated cost of the mission for Minister Dallas including travel, food and accommodations is approximately $42,700. The estimated cost of Minister McQueen’s mission is approximately $43,000.
Our government was elected to keep building Alberta, to live within its means and to fight to open new markets for Alberta’s resources. We will continue to deliver the responsible change Albertans voted for.
Related information
Itinerary for Minister Dallas (pdf)
Itinerary for Minister McQueen (pdf)
European Union - Alberta Relations (pdf)