“Bell Let’s Talk Day gives all of us an opportunity to have honest conversations about mental health, share helpful resources with others and reflect on our own mental well-being.

“Anyone can experience mental illness, and, for many, that can be an isolating experience. By taking time to talk openly about our challenges and share our experiences, we can show our friends and neighbours who are struggling that they are not alone.

“So, join the conversation. Bring it up when you’re grabbing coffee with a friend, having dinner with your family or skating with your neighbours at the local rink. Wherever you feel comfortable, take a moment to talk.

“It’s also important to prioritize your own mental health. Whether it’s sitting down to read a book, going for a walk along your favourite trail or joining your family to watch a movie, there are countless things that you can do to prioritize yourself, reset and improve your mental well-being.

“If you or anyone you know is in need of mental health resources or support, call 211 today. 211 is free, confidential, available 24-7 and will connect you with resources and services in your community. It’s also a way to connect to virtual resources like the Mental Health Help Line and Kids Help Phone.

“This Bell Let’s Talk Day, and every day, reach out to your friends, family and loved ones. Let’s talk about our mental health.”