Test: Test Message - Alberta
Issued Mar 01, 2023 at 01:55 PM
Source: Alberta Emergency Management Agency
Issued: Mar 01, 2023 at 01:55 PM
Description: This is an Alberta Emergency Alert. The Alberta Emergency Management Agency has issued a Province Wide Test Alert.
This is only a TEST. If this had been an actual emergency or threat, you would now hear instructions that would help you to protect you and your family.
Area: This alert is in effect for Alberta.
Affected areas (1):
- Alberta
Action to take:
- These tests are a reminder for all of us to prepare when the risk is low, so we are ready to respond when an emergency or disaster occurs
- Wildfire season begins today
- To become more prepared for spring hazards visit the Be Prepared program at www.alberta.ca/beprepared
Additional information: