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Organizational Units

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Office of the Minister
Office of the Deputy Minister, Justice
Alberta Crown Prosecution Service Division (ACPS)
Court and Justice Services Division (CJS)
Financial Services Division (FSD)
Legal Services Division (LSD)
Central Services
People and Communities Legal Team
Constitutional and Aboriginal Law
Edmonton Office
Calgary Office
Divisional Support Office
Energy Law
Environmental Law Team
Family and Surrogate Court Litigation
Family and Surrogate Court Litigation - Calgary
Health Law
Infrastructure and Transportation Legal Team
Infrastructure and Transportation Legal Team - SafeRoad Team
Justice and Public Safety and Emergency Services Legal Team
Jobs and Immigration Legal Team
Labour and Employment Law Team
Trade, Innovation and Post-Secondary Legal Team
Legislative Counsel Office
Municipal, Education and Service Alberta (MESA) Legal Team
Organizational Learning Office
Strategy, Support and Integrated Initiatives Division (SSII)
Alberta Human Rights Commission
Edmonton Office
Organizational Unit
Name Phone Title
Akst, Lesley
780 427-8673 Barrister and Solicitor
Annich, Michele
780 422-0258 Barrister and Solicitor
Bartier, Aleisha
780 415-2993 Barrister and Solicitor
Bednarsky, Dushan
780 427-5936 Barrister and Solicitor
Berkenbosch, Wendy-Anne
780 644-8637 Barrister and Solicitor
Croteau, Angela
  Barrister and Solicitor
Edgington, Angela
780 427-1482 Barrister and Solicitor
Epton, Krista
780 643-0854 Barrister and Solicitor
Foster, Andrew
780 271-8926 Barrister and Solicitor
Gartke, Nathaniel
780 641-9718 Barrister and Solicitor
Gierulski, Witek
780 644-2605 Barrister and Solicitor
Halper-Johnson, Zachary
780 422-7661 Barrister and Solicitor
Kamal, David
780 427-4418 Barrister and Solicitor
Martin, Ryan L.
780 427-4530 Barrister and Solicitor
Trofimuk, Nicholas
780 422-2917 Barrister and Solicitor
Wall, Mick
780 415-4735 Barrister and Solicitor
Thomson, Stacey
780 644-1981 Evidence Production Paralegal
Lopetinsky, Sierra
780 643-0857 Barrister and Solicitor
McDaniel, Leah
780 422-7145 Barrister and Solicitor
Ollenberger, Adam
780 644-5156 Barrister and Solicitor
Parent, Matthew
780 643-0855 Barrister and Solicitor
Parker, Nicholas
780 643-0853 Barrister and Solicitor
Riczu, Lillian
780 422-9114 Barrister and Solicitor
Sharko, David
780 422-4160 Barrister and Solicitor
Steele, Randy
780 422-6619 Barrister and Solicitor
Sylyski, Leesa
780 415-0447 Barrister and Solicitor
Waywood, Susan
780 644-7846 Barrister and Solicitor
Wiebe, Brandon
587 338-7189 Barrister and Solicitor
Whittleton, Kate
587 336-6027 Barrister and Solicitor
Edzerza, Lori
780 643-0865 Office Manager
Campbell, Kelly
780 638-3762 Paralegal
Campbell, Kitty
780 422-2416 Paralegal
Legere, Shelley
780 644-2178 Paralegal
Song, Yuxian
780 644-4483 Research Analyst
Esler, Tammy
780 427-0694 Legal Assistant
Hansen, Nancy
780 422-9532 Legal Assistant
Oswald, Emily
780 422-9090 Legal Assistant
Robertson, Heather
780 643-0860 Legal Assistant
Russell, Lisa
780 643-0861 Legal Assistant
Sethi, Gargi
780 643-0863 Legal Assistant
Woodruff, Wendy
780 415-8198 Legal Assistant
Vasseur, Jonas
780 644-4483 Research Analyst

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