Organizational Units
Municipal, Education and Service Alberta (MESA) Legal Team
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Loch, Allison
780 422-5291 |
Aisenstat, Kelly
780 422-8421 |
Barrister and Solicitor
Ally, Alia
587 340-9108 |
Barrister and Solicitor
Alton, Julie
780 340-9214 |
Barrister and Solicitor
Buffin, Megan
780 644-2602 |
Barrister and Solicitor
DeWitt, Christine
587 340-0627 |
Barrister and Solicitor
Henderson, Paul
780 257-4575 |
Barrister and Solicitor
Hickman, Lisa
780 264-4590 |
Barrister and Solicitor
Hubick, Leanne
780 644-2587 |
Barrister and Solicitor
Hunt, Rob
Barrister and Solicitor
Municipal, Education and Service Alberta (MESA) Legal Team
780 485-7488
780 485-7488
Barrister and Solicitor
Ing, Selvin
780 422-8421 |
Barrister and Solicitor
Johnson, Elsa
780 422-0319 |
Barrister and Solicitor
Kinzel, Mandy
780 644-4280 |
Barrister and Solicitor
Mohammed, Halima
587 357-2769 |
Barrister and Solicitor
Morello, Justin
587 334-8937 |
Barrister and Solicitor
Photinopoulos, Athena
587 357-0943 |
Barrister and Solicitor
Warner, Rebecca
780 422-8795 |
Barrister and Solicitor
Frape, Breanne
587 341-8109 |
Barrister and Solicitor
Yong, Michelle
780 427-2307 |
Legal Assistant
Yu, Yuki
780 415-4507 |
Legal Assistant
Rojas, Maria
780 427-8862 |
Legal Assistant