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Organizational Units

Organizational Units

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Office of the Minister
Office of the Deputy Minister, Justice
Alberta Crown Prosecution Service Division (ACPS)
Appeals, and Specialized Prosecution Branch
Calgary Prosecutions
Edmonton Prosecutions
Operations and Strategic Support and Bail Prosecutions
Regional Prosecutions
Chief Crown Prosecutors and Crown Prosecutors
Crown Prosecutors Office (Calgary)
Calgary Rural and Regional Response Office (CaRRRO)
CaRRRO Drumheller Prosecutors Office
Crown Prosecutors Office (Fort McMurray)
Crown Prosecutors Office (Fort Saskatchewan)
Crown Prosecutors Office (Grande Prairie)
Crown Prosecutors Office (Hinton)
Crown Prosecutors Office (Lethbridge)
Crown Prosecutors Office (Medicine Hat)
Crown Prosecutors Office (Peace River)
Crown Prosecutors Office (Red Deer)
Crown Prosecutors Office (Slave Lake)
Crown Prosecutors Office (St. Paul)
Crown Prosecutors Office (Wetaskiwin)
Advanced Projects and Traffic Office (APTO)
Court and Justice Services Division (CJS)
Financial Services Division (FSD)
Legal Services Division (LSD)
Strategy, Support and Integrated Initiatives Division (SSII)
Alberta Human Rights Commission
Crown Prosecutors Office (Wetaskiwin)
Organizational Unit
Name Phone Title
Sager, Sarah
780 361-1206 Chief Crown Prosecutor
Tays, Christine
780 361-1206 Assistant Deputy Chief Prosecutor
Dakers, Dwight
780 361-1206 Crown Prosecutor
Darosa, Christina
780 361-1206 Crown Prosecutor
Dube, Andreanne
780 361-1206 Crown Prosecutor
Dunn, Alex
780 361-1206 Crown Prosecutor
Gough, Britani
780 361-1206 Crown Prosecutor
McCoy, Cameron
780 361-1206 Crown Prosecutor
Patterson, Calvin
780 361-1206 Crown Prosecutor
Tarrabain, Jill
780 361-1206 Crown Prosecutor
Hetman, Yury
780 361-1206 Student-at-Law
Perreault, Danielle
780 361-1206 Student at Law
Smith, Melanie
780 361-1206 Office Manager
Bremness, Krista
780 361-1206 Paralegal
Woitt, Michelle
780 361-1206 Paralegal
Bennefield, Kathy
780 361-1206 Legal Assistant
Cantley, Barb
780 361-1206 Legal Assistant
Reeves, Michelle
780 361-1206 Legal Assistant
Shakespeare, Imogen
780 361-1206 Legal Assistant

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