Strengthening infrastructure planning

The Infrastructure Accountability Act (Bill 73) increases transparency and accountability by setting a guiding framework for long-term, priority-based public infrastructure planning.

Status: Bill 73 came into force on December 8, 2021
Ministry responsible: Infrastructure and Treasury Board and Finance


Bill 73, the Infrastructure Accountability Act legislates a governance framework to guide how capital projects are prioritized. It also legislates the development of a 20-Year Strategic Capital Plan, which will help guide government’s infrastructure decisions over the long-term.

Bill 73 demonstrates our commitment to being transparent, rigorous, accountable and unbiased when building Alberta’s public infrastructure. This legislation will help guide government decision-making around capital projects to best support jobs and the economy, as well as provide Albertans with the public infrastructure they need.

The act responds to recommendations from the MacKinnon Report and was informed by feedback through the Infrastructure planning engagement. It aligns with the Alberta Recovery Plan to stimulate economic growth and attract investors and job creators.

Key changes

Bill 73, the Infrastructure Accountability Act:

  • establishes 6 criteria that government must consider when evaluating a capital planning submission. Projects will be evaluated based on how they:
    • address health, safety, and compliance needs
    • align with government priorities and strategies
    • foster economic activity and create jobs
    • improve program delivery and services
    • consider life cycle costs and whether it will generate a return on investment
    • enhance the resiliency of communities
  • legislates a governance framework for developing the annual Capital Plan by outlining the roles and responsibilities for government ministries involved
  • formalizes a Deputy Ministers Capital Committee to advise on the Capital Plan
  • legislates the development and release of a 20-Year Strategic Capital Plan, to be released within one year of the Infrastructure Accountability Act coming into force, and be updated at least every 4 years


The Infrastructure Accountability Act is part of Alberta’s overall capital planning framework. The following resources provide additional information on capital planning:

Next steps

Bill 73, the Infrastructure Accountability Act came into force on December 8, 2021. The 20-Year Strategic Capital Plan was published December 16, 2021.
