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Dir: Sebastián Lelio. Drama/Mystery. Based on the book by Emma Donoghue. In 19th Century rural Ireland, a battlefield nurse (Florence Pugh) is asked to investigate claims that a young girl (Kíla Lord Cassidy) remains healthy despite having not eaten any food in four months.

Content elements

  • Infrequent use of the sexual expletive in a non-sexual context; infrequent use of profanity
  • Infrequent portrayals of illness - some blood and detail
  • Infrequent references to sexual assault involving a minor, in an incest context - little detail
  • Infrequent portrayals of sexual activity - no nudity, some detail
  • Infrequent portrayals of alcohol and drug use in a recreational context

Thematic elements

  • Uncovering the truth
  • Coping with loss
  • Guilt and absolution

Classification rationale

Rated 14A for sexual activity and mature subject matter

Classification date

October 24, 2022

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