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14A(14A) Coarse Language, Mature Subject Matter


Dir: Martin McDonagh. Comedy/Drama. On a remote island off the coast of Ireland, a man (Colin Farrell) struggles to come to terms with his neighbor's (Brendan Gleeson) sudden wish to abruptly end their life-long friendship.

Content elements

  • Frequent use of the sexual expletive in a non-sexual context; frequent use of scatological slang and profanity
  • Infrequent portrayals of hand-to-hand violence - little blood and detail
  • Infrequent references to and portrayals of self-harm and severed digits - blood and gory detail
  • Infrequent references to suicide - little detail
  • Infrequent portrayals of an animal carcass and a corpse - some detail
  • Infrequent male genital nudity in a non-sexual context
  • Frequent portrayals of alcohol and tobacco use in a recreational context

Thematic elements

  • Perspectives on friendship
  • Isolation
  • The search for meaning

Classification rationale

Rated 14A for coarse language and mature subject matter

Classification date

October 13, 2022

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