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18A(18A) Sexual Content


Dir: Janicza Bravo. Drama/Crime/Comedy. Based on the Tweets by Aziah 'Zola' King. A stripper (Taylour Paige) tells the story of going on a trip to Florida that gets increasingly complicated.

Content elements

  • Pervasive use of the sexual expletive and variations, some in a sexual or aggressive context; pervasive use of vulgar expressions and sexual slurs; frequent use of cursing and scatological slang; infrequent use of profanity
  • Infrequent portrayals of sexual assault - no nudity, little detail; infrequent portrayals of gun, weapons, and hand-to-hand violence - some blood, little detail
  • Frequent, sometimes detailed portrayals of sexual activity - buttock nudity
  • Multiple instances of male genital nudity and buttock nudity in a non-sexual context
  • Infrequent portrayals of smoking and alcohol use in a recreational context - little detail
  • Infrequent portrayals of crude bodily functions - some detail

Thematic elements

  • Surviving adversity
  • Complex interpersonal dynamics
  • Perspectives on sex work

Classification rationale

Rated 18A for sexual content, nudity, violence, and coarse language

Classification date

June 18, 2021

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