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14A(14A) Coarse Language


Biography/Drama. Based on the article "American Nightmare: The Ballad of Richard Jewell" by Marie Brenner. After discovering a bomb during the 1996 Summer Olympics, an Atlanta security guard (Paul Walter Hauser) becomes the prime suspect of an FBI investigation led by an agent (Jon Hamm) convinced of his guilt.

Content elements

  • Frequent use of the sexual expletive and variations, some in a sexual context; frequent use of scatological slang, cursing, profanity, and vulgar expressions
  • Infrequent portrayals of weapons violence in a terrorism context - some blood and detail
  • Infrequent portrayals of alcohol use in a recreational context

Thematic elements

  • Uncovering the truth
  • Honesty and integrity
  • Perspectives on heroism

Classification rationale

Rated 14A for coarse language and violence

Classification date

November 25, 2019

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