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18A(18A) Gory Violence


Thriller/Horror. After moving to the suburbs, a family (Dawn Van de Schoot, Hailey Foss, Kaeleb Zain Gartner) is thrown into chaos when they receive mysterious letters directing them to kill or be killed.

Content elements

  • Frequent use of the sexual expletive and variations in a non-sexual context; frequent use of scatological slang; infrequent use of cursing, profanity, vulgar expressions, and sexual slurs
  • Frequent portrayals of hand-to-hand and weapons violence - much blood and gory detail
  • Infrequent breast nudity in a non-sexual context
  • Infrequent portrayals of tobacco and alcohol use in a recreational context

Thematic elements

  • Power and control
  • Family bonds
  • Survival

Classification rationale

Rated 18A for gory violence and coarse language

Classification date

October 17, 2019

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