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14A(14A) Mature Subject Matter, Coarse Language


Drama. Scenes from the life of a pop star, both as a young girl (Raffey Cassidy) at the beginning of her career and as a woman (Natalie Portman) at the height of her fame.

Content elements

  • Frequent use of the sexual expletive and variations, some in a sexual context; frequent use of scatological slang; infrequent use of cursing, profanity, vulgar expressions, and developmental slurs
  • Infrequent, detailed portrayals of gun and weapons violence - much blood, some detail
  • Frequent portrayals of alcohol use to excess and abuse of illegal substances - some detail; infrequent portrayals of smoking in a recreational context - little detail
  • Infrequent portrayals of crude bodily functions - some detail

Thematic elements

  • Living with trauma
  • Familial bonds
  • Fame and celebrity

Classification rationale

Rated 14A for coarse language, violence, and substance abuse

Classification date

December 05, 2018

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