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14A(14A) Sexual Violence


Drama. Based on the memoir by Garrard Conley. After he is outed by a schoolmate, a young man (Lucas Hedges) is forced to go to gay conversion therapy by his parents (Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe).

Content elements

  • Infrequent use of the sexual expletive in a non-sexual context; infrequent use of scatological slang, cursing, and sexual slurs
  • Infrequent, sometimes detailed use of sexual language and references
  • Infrequent portrayals of hand-to-hand and weapons violence – no blood, little detail
  • Portrayal of sexual assault – no nudity, some detail
  • Infrequent portrayals of smoking in a recreational context

Thematic elements

  • Homophobia and persecution
  • Sexuality and identity
  • Family and acceptance

Classification rationale

Rated 14A for sexual violence in a dramatic context

Classification date

October 10, 2018

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