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Parental Guidance(Parental Guidance) Violence, Coarse Language, Crude Content


Comedy. Three members of Laser Team (Colton Dunn, Michael Jones, Burnie Burns) are reunited to find the fourth member (Gavin Free) who is lost somewhere in the galaxy.

Content elements

  • One use of the sexual expletive in a non-sexual context; infrequent use of scatological slang, cursing, profanity, and vulgar expressions
  • Infrequent use of sexual language and references - no detail
  • Infrequent portrayals of hand-to-hand and weapons violence in an action context - no blood or detail
  • Infrequent references to drugs in a comedic context - no detail
  • Infrequent portrayals of mild, crude humor

Thematic elements

  • Teamwork
  • Acceptance

Classification rationale

Rated PG for violence, coarse language, and crude humor

Classification date

November 03, 2017

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