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14A(14A) Violence, Sexual Content


Drama. Based on the novel 'Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk' by Nikolai Laskov. In 19th century England, a young wife (Florence Pugh) has an affair with a stable boy (Cosmo Jarvis) while her husband is away (Paul Hilton).

Content elements

  • Infrequent use of the sexual expletive, some in a sexual context; infrequent use of sexual slurs and vulgar expressions
  • Infrequent portrayals of gun, weapons, and hand-to-hand violence, some involving children – some blood and detail
  • Infrequent portrayals of sexual activity – breast nudity, some detail
  • Infrequent buttock nudity and male frontal in a non-sexual context

Thematic elements

  • Gender, power, and control
  • Loyalty and desire
  • Manipulation and deception

Classification rationale

Rated 14A for detailed sexual content and violence

Classification date

June 23, 2017

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