Privacy and access to information regulations

Bill 33, the Protection of Privacy Act and Bill 34, the Access to Information Act will protect personal information and provide the government with transparency and accountability.


We are seeking feedback from Alberta public bodies and the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner to inform regulations that will support the Protection of Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act. 

The Protection of Privacy Act will give Albertans peace of mind that their personal information is protected and will make it mandatory for public bodies to create their programs and services with protection of privacy in mind. 

The Access to Information Act manages electronic records, allows public bodies to extend deadlines during emergencies, clears up definitions and procedures, and allows public bodies to proactively share information independent of access to information processes. This makes it easier for people in Alberta to get more information from the government and other public bodies.

Both acts received Royal Assent in December 2024 and are expected to be proclaimed with their regulations in spring 2025. 


  • Open

  • Results under review

  • Completed

Who is listening

The Ministries of Technology and Innovation and Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction

Get Informed

Learn more about the Protection of Privacy Act or the Access to Information Act

Stakeholder engagement

In February 2025, we are engaging with public bodies that will be subject to the acts to gain insight into what should be captured in the regulations, as well as what resources and information public bodies need to support them as they align to the new requirements.

We are also engaging with the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner through regular meetings in February and March. The office will also be invited to provide written feedback. This feedback will help inform the regulations. 


Stakeholder feedback will help us develop regulations and new tools that will support public bodies as they adapt their processes and programs to align with new requirements.