Managing livestock manure

Proactively managing manure helps ensure a farm’s sustainability by addressing environmental risks through beneficial management practices.

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Managing livestock manure


When managed responsibly, livestock manure is a valuable resource rather than a waste. It can help improve soil quality and add essential nutrients to the crop production system. If not managed properly however, livestock manure and its constituents can negatively affect the environment. In addition, nutrient losses can be costly to an operation.

In this section, find out about:

  • the benefits of manure
  • best practices for its management
  • how to minimize environmental risks associated with livestock production and manure management
  • tools and resources for manure management record-keeping and planning

For more information, see Managing livestock manure – Overview.


Manage the production, collection, storage, treatment and use of manure to maximize benefits and minimize costs on your farm or operation.
Keeping records helps manage manure, which maximizes agronomic benefits while minimizing environmental, nuisance and health concerns.