Table of contents


Those responsible for the implementation of education programs and the operation of schools must refer to the following documents that also contain requirements for schools.

Alberta Education Business Plan

The Alberta Education Business Plan identifies outcomes, key objectives and performance measures for improving the provincial education system.

Alberta programs of study/curriculum

The Alberta programs of study/curriculum are primarily descriptions of the expectations for student learning at the elementary, junior high and senior high school levels. The content of the programs of study/curriculum is focused on what students are expected to know and be able to do in each course that has been developed for these levels.

Funding Manual for School Authorities

The Funding Manual for School Authorities defines the terms and criteria under which a school jurisdiction, accredited‑funded private school or private ECS operator may obtain funding.

Information regarding the legislative basis, policy and requirements for school authority planning and results reporting are also contained in the Funding Manual, specifically in Section B (Assurance Framework) and Section K (Requirements for School Authority Planning and Results Reporting). In accordance with relevant legislation, school authorities are required each year to prepare Education Plans and Annual Education Results Reports (AERRs).

These plans and reports are aligned to the Assurance Framework, are products and evidence of a continuous improvement process and are core documents for demonstrating accountability and providing assurance. The Education Plan sets out what needs to be done, including determining outcomes, measures and strategies using the most recent results, while the AERR provides the results obtained from implementing the plan and actions taken to meet responsibilities in the 5 assurance domains.

School Capital Manual 

The School Capital Manual serves as a resource for public and separate school divisions, francophone regional authorities, and public charter schools, by providing a reference to policy and processes applicable to the planning, approval and implementation of school infrastructure projects. This manual also includes guidelines and minimum standards for the preparation of capital funding requests, 3-year capital plans, and associated planning documentation.