COVID-19 vaccine information

All Albertans 6 months+ can get vaccinated against COVID-19.

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COVID-19 vaccine information

Details on fall availability of COVID-19 vaccine will soon be available. Check back regularly.

Book your free COVID-19 vaccine

COVID-19 vaccines are the best way to protect you from getting severely sick from COVID-19 infection. All vaccines are safe, effective and save lives.

COVID-19 vaccines can be given at the same time, before or after influenza vaccine and other routine immunizations to individuals 6 months of age or older.

COVID-19 vaccine schedule by population type, age group, and vaccine history.

Get the XBB.1.5 COVID-19 vaccine

The XBB.1.5 COVID-19 vaccines are anticipated to provide a good immune response against currently circulating strains.

  • Eligibility

    • Anyone 6 months of age and older can receive an mRNA XBB.1.5 COVID-19 vaccine.
    • Novavax vaccine is no longer. 
    • Currently, there are no authorized COVID-19 vaccines for children younger than 6 months of age.
    • Minors under the age of 18 require verbal or written consent from a parent or guardian to be vaccinated.
    • Immunization is particularly important for those at increased risk of COVID-19 infection or severe outcomes, for example:
      • adults 65 years of age or older
      • adults 18 years of age and older who reside in seniors congregate care living settings
      • individuals with underlying medical conditions or compromised immune systems that place them at higher risk of severe COVID-19
      • individuals who are pregnant
      • individuals in or from First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities
      • members of racialized and other equity-denied communities
      • people who provide essential community services and healthcare workers
    • Check the detailed recommendations in Table 2 and Table 3.
  • Doses for immunocompromised individuals

  • Additional doses of XBB.1.5 vaccine starting April 15, 2024

    • Individuals at high risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19 who previously received the XBB.1.5 vaccine as per the recommendations in Table 2 and Table 3, can receive one additional dose starting April 15, 2024.
    • Eligible individuals include:
      • adults 65 years of age and older
      • adults 18 years of age and older who reside in seniors congregate care living settings
      • individuals 6 months of age and older with certain immunocompromising conditions
      • First Nations, Métis and Inuit individuals 6 months of age and older, no matter where they live
    • Check the detailed recommendations for the additional doses in Table 1.
  • Book an appointment

    • For most, an appointment can be booked if it has been at least 3 months since the last non-XBB.1.5 COVID-19 vaccine dose.
    • For the additional dose of XBB.1.5 vaccine, an appointment can be booked if it has been at least 6 months since the last XBB.1.5 dose you were eligible for before April 15, 2024.
      • A shortened interval of at least 3 calendar months will be permitted for individuals residing in seniors congregate care living settings. A shortened interval is not permitted for the other eligible groups.
    • It is recommended the COVID-19 vaccine be delayed for those who have tested positive for COVID-19 (by PCR or rapid antigen test). For more information, read “If you have had a COVID-19 infection” below.
    • COVID-19 vaccines can be administered  at the same time, before or after influenza vaccine and other routine immunizations to individuals 6 months of age or older.
    • Hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients and CAR T-cell therapy recipients are recommended to consult with their physician regarding COVID-19 vaccine spacing.
    • Check when to book your appointment.
  • How to book an appointment

    mRNA vaccine

    • Albertans 5 years of age and older and their families are encouraged to book their appointment at a community pharmacy. Appointments for children under 5 years of age and their families are available through AHS clinics.
    • Most pharmacies are accepting walk-in appointments for individuals 5 years of age and older. 
  • Deciding which COVID-19 vaccine to get

    • Alberta Health recommends anyone 6 months of age and older get immunized with an XBB.1.5 COVID-19 vaccine.
      • Alberta Health recommends mRNA vaccines for immunocompromised or pregnant individuals.
    • You are encouraged to get immunized against COVID-19 with the vaccine that is available and to not delay immunization based on vaccine brand.
    • COVID-19 vaccines are interchangeable and continually monitored. Post-market surveillance of safety and effectiveness is also conducted.
    • Novavax is no longer.
  • If you have had a COVID-19 infection

    • It is recommended that the COVID-19 vaccine be delayed for those who have tested positive for COVID-19 (by PCR or rapid antigen test).
    • Check the detailed recommendations in Table 4.
    • For further information or questions, call Health Link (811) or ask your healthcare provider.

About the vaccines

All approved vaccines are safe, effective, and help prevent serious illness and complications from COVID-19 infection.

COVID-19 vaccines can be given at the same time, before or after the influenza vaccine and other routine immunizations to individuals 6 months of age or older.

  • Vaccine safety

    Approval process

    Adverse effects

    • Once a vaccine is in use, Alberta Health, the Public Health Agency of Canada, and Health Canada all monitor Canadian and international adverse events following immunization. Health Canada also publishes information and counts of all COVID-19 adverse events following immunization.
    • Overall, serious side effects from immunization are rare. 
    • Very rare cases of inflammation of the heart muscle and lining surrounding the heart (myocarditis and pericarditis) have been reported across all age groups. It has been reported most frequently after a second dose of an mRNA vaccine but can occur after any dose and has also been reported with non-mRNA vaccines. This adverse effect is more common in adolescents and young adults, and occurs within the first 1-2 weeks following immunization, usually resolving rapidly with rest and medications. The cases are typically mild and are treatable. The risk of myocarditis and/or pericarditis from COVID-19 infection is much higher than the risk following immunization with COVID-19 vaccine.

    Severe allergies

    • The vaccines do not contain egg, latex or preservatives.
    • The only time someone should not get a COVID-19 vaccine is if they are severely allergic to specific ingredients in the vaccine. Speak to your doctor if you have questions about allergies.
  • Difference between vaccine types

    All vaccines help our bodies learn how to protect us against future infection from the virus that causes COVID-19 infection, but different vaccines use different mechanisms to get the attention of the immune system.

  • mRNA COVID-19 vaccines

    The mRNA vaccines are proven highly effective in preventing serious illness and death from COVID-19 infection. They are available to individuals aged 6 months and older.

    How it works

    • These vaccines use mRNA technology to teach cells how to make a protein to trigger an immune response and make antibodies to fight the COVID-19 virus. It does not alter your DNA.
  • After your vaccine

    After your vaccine, you may experience minor side effects like fever or aches that go away on their own after a few days. As with all medicines, there is a small chance that there will be a serious side effect (adverse events) like an allergic reaction, so it is important to stay at the place you get your vaccine for 15 minutes after being immunized. Some very rare reactions after COVID-19 vaccines include:

    • mRNA vaccines: Rare cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and/or pericarditis (inflammation of the lining around the heart) have been reported after receiving an mRNA vaccine.
    • Additional precautions to protect yourself from the spread of respiratory viruses include:
      • Stay home when feeling sick
      • Avoid close contact with people who are sick, whenever possible
      • Wash hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
      • Cover coughs and sneezes, followed by cleaning of hands
      • Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
      • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and items at home, especially when someone is sick
      • Wear a well-fitting mask in crowded indoor spaces to help reduce the risk of becoming sick and to help protect others from being exposed

Vaccines and children

COVID-19 vaccines are authorized by Health Canada for children 6 months of age and older.

Check the recommended doses and schedules by health status, age group, and vaccine history.

Need help booking your appointment?

See guides for registering an account, booking appointment and common topics.

Need time off work?

All working Albertans can access 3 hours of paid, job-protected leave to get each dose of the vaccine. Learn more.

Need a ride?

Isolated seniors and those with mobility challenges can get a ride to and from their appointment. Call 211 for help.