Classification plans, authority and monitoring directive

This directive provides information on the Alberta Public Service (APS) classification framework.

About this directive

HR Directive No.07/2023
Reference to applicable legislation (act or regulation):Part 1, Section 5, Public Service Act
Part 1, Section 10(2), Public Service Act
Part 5, Sections 20 to 23, Public Service Employment Regulation
Application:All employees appointed or employed pursuant to the Public Service Act within a department, as defined in sections 1(b)(i) and 1(b)(ii) of the Public Service Act.
Last updated:March 2023
Last reviewed:March 2023
Amended by:Alberta Public Service Commission:
Strategic Services and Public Agency Secretariat, Workforce Policy, Compensation and Job Evaluation Policy


To provide information on the Alberta Public Service (APS) classification framework.


This directive provides an overview of the non-management and management plans used to classify APS positions, benchmarks, the delegation of classification authority, and the accountability for the maintenance and monitoring of classification plans.

Under the Public Service Act, the Public Service Commissioner (Commissioner) is accountable for classification plans and processes. The Commissioner may recommend to the Minister any amendments to the classification plans, and will allocate each position to a classification.

Definition of terms

Disclaimer: If there are any discrepancies in how the terms are defined below and the Public Service Act and Public Service Employment Regulation, the act and regulation supersede.

Benchmarks: are jobs representative of types and levels of work in the APS, at a point in time. Benchmarks are the official comparators used in the classification process and provide a reference point against which all other jobs are measured.

Classification: distinct kind (stream of work) and level of work (level 1, 2, 3) allocated to a position based on the nature of work, responsibilities, scope and complexity.

Factor Comparison and Point Rating Methodology: a methodology that evaluates jobs against a set of common factors (attributes of the job such as knowledge, creativity/problem solving and responsibility), and assigns point values, based on their pre-determined value to the APS.

Job evaluation: a systematic review and analysis of job responsibilities, relationships and requirements in order to determine the relative position of one job to another within the APS.

Management: employees appointed to a position in the Management Job Evaluation Plan, and paid in accordance with Schedule 2, Management Official Pay Plan within the Public Service Employment Regulation.

Non-management: includes employees in bargaining unit, position exempt, and opted out and excluded employment groups.

Opted out and excluded: employees in a classification not included in the bargaining unit, who are appointed to a position in the Point Rating Evaluation Plan, and paid in accordance with Schedule 1, Part 1-A, Part 2-A and Part 2-B of the Opted Out and Excluded Official Pay Plan in the Public Service Employment Regulation.

Position exempt: employees in a bargaining unit classification who are excluded from the union in accordance with Part 3, Division 3, Section 12 of the Public Service Employee Relations Act.

Non-management classification plan

The non-management plan is called the Point Rating Evaluation Plan (PREP). It is based on a modified Korn Ferry Hay Group job evaluation plan using factor comparison and point rating methodology that measures attributes of the job, such as knowledge, creativity/problem solving and responsibility.

Management classification plan

The management plan is called the Management Job Evaluation Plan (MJEP). It is based on a modified Korn Ferry Hay Group job evaluation plan using factor comparison and point rating methodology that measures attributes of the job, such as know-how, problem solving, and accountability.


The Commissioner will approve benchmarks for the APS that are reflective of types and levels of work across the organization. Benchmark jobs are evaluated under PREP or MJEP and confirmed through a benchmark quality assurance process. This process includes updating and maintaining benchmarks to ensure they reflect current work. These APS benchmarks are the official comparators used to support classification decisions.

Delegation of classification authority

The Public Service Act authorizes the Commissioner to both allocate positions to a classification in the PREP and MJEP classification plans and delegate this power to officers (delegates of Classification Delivery Services) within the Public Service Commission (PSC). Delegates apply their position’s authority following the completion of job evaluation training and demonstrated proficiency in both non-management and management classification plans. Delegates are responsible to apply the established standards and tools for the classification plans, such as guide charts and benchmark jobs.

The Commissioner is accountable to ensure delegates exercise their delegated authority in accordance with the classification plans, established standards and tools and determine if reassessment is required, which may include a review of the employee's proficiency in evaluating jobs, or further job evaluation training. The Commissioner is authorized to revoke the powers delegated to officers of the PSC.

Monitoring and review

The Commissioner is accountable for the maintenance of classification plans. As an organization committed to continuous improvement, it is important that the classification plans and tools be responsive to changing organizational needs. As such, PSC partners with department leaders to inform required changes or enhancements to classification plans and tools which enables the APS to classify jobs effectively, efficiently and consistently. In addition, PSC monitors and reviews the use of the classification plans, ensuring quality assurance processes are in place (for example, benchmark reviews through quality assurance committees), monitoring of trends, revising, creating or removing classification streams and classification levels (for example, name and definition changes).