Caribou range planning engagement

In 2018, Albertans were consulted on caribou conservation and range management.

This engagement as been archived
Status: Completed
Ministry responsible: Environment and Parks
Completed: 2019


In February and March 2018, the Government of Alberta hosted public information sessions on the Draft Provincial Woodland Caribou Range Plan. These sessions were intended to provide an understanding on approaches being considered to support caribou conservation and recovery, and to listen to citizens living in communities that have a direct interest in caribou range planning.

The woodland caribou range planning engagement was broken into 3 general phases:

  • Phase 1: early engagement and issues identification
  • Phase 2: engagement on Draft Provincial Woodland Caribou Range Plan
  • Phase 3: engagement on range-specific details

The Draft Provincial Woodland Caribou Range Plan will build on existing work and develop actions and strategies to meet provincial and federal caribou population and habitat objectives. The Alberta government will continue to plan for the range-specific details, applying the direction contained in the Draft Provincial Woodland Caribou Range Plan at the landscape level.

Social and economic outcomes are an important part of the range planning process. The intent is to minimize all impacts to local communities while meeting caribou recovery objectives. Relying upon those with local knowledge of social and economic conditions to support this work as it advances is critical.


Woodland caribou range planning engagement
Draft provincial woodland caribou range plan 2017
Alberta’s approach to achieve caribou recovery 2017
Setting Alberta on the path to caribou recovery 2016

Related links

Caribou range planning
Draft Provincial Woodland Caribou Range Plan