A government review launched in fall 2019, seeks to address pressing issues such as escalating costs and to develop solutions that will ensure affordable, accessible and sustainable auto insurance options for the long term. A three-member advisory committee is leading the review.

As part of the review, the committee is conducting a survey, and seeking input from Albertans, service providers and other stakeholders through online or written submissions. 

“As we review Alberta’s automobile insurance system, we are asking Albertans, service providers and other relevant stakeholders to be part of the potential solution. A thorough understanding of consumer and industry needs will help ensure our recommendations to the government are realistic and reflective of the marketplace as a whole.”

Chris Daniel, chair, Automobile Insurance Advisory Committee

Advisory committee mandate

The committee is tasked with exploring options to reform Alberta’s automobile insurance system and making recommendations to government. The committee’s work is guided by the following principles:

  • Fair, accessible and affordable automobile insurance for Albertans.
  • Timely and appropriate outcomes when claims are made.
  • A private-sector delivery model for automobile insurance.
  • A viable and sustainable automobile insurance system.

Quick facts

  • The overall engagement process, including the public survey, was developed by the advisory committee.
  • The survey will be open until March 6 at alberta.ca.
  • The committee will deliver its recommendations to government in June 2020.
  • Industry data shows Albertans pay the third-highest rates for auto insurance in Canada, behind B.C. and Ontario.