“Alberta is not just a random collection of people, or place on the map.

“Alberta is an idea. It’s an idea that has existed for generations, from the First Nations people who built their lives off of this land, to those who came here with a spirit of entrepreneurship and hope to create something more for their families.

“Alberta is an idea of a society that believes in the dignity of the human person, and in the great tradition of ordered liberty. It’s the idea that strong families, communities and resilient individuals are more effective at achieving the depths of human greatness than a large, bureaucratic state.

“We all share a common bond – a collective heritage of enterprise and determination. We share, too, a debt of gratitude to those who came before us. Those who worked and strove to give us this incredible inheritance. Those who gave their lives for us, believing we would be better off for their sacrifice. 

“The lessons, stories and traditions of our families make us who we are today and who we will become tomorrow. But Alberta is a bond that all of us share together.

“I encourage everyone to celebrate our shared heritage on and to reflect on the idea that unites us all: Alberta.”