Organizational Units
Court of Justice Operations
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Case Management Office - Calgary
403 297-3162 |
Le, Venus
403 297-6761 |
Executive Assistant
Case Management Office - Edmonton
780 422-1604 |
Skinner, Erin
780 422-5835 |
Executive Director
Lucas, Karli
780 415-6068 |
Director, District 1 , Court of Justice Operations
Wood, Kyra
403 297-7787 |
Court Administrator
Calina, Manuela
403 297-7785 |
Trial Coordinator
Pagnotta, Frances
780 427-8336 |
Manager, Court of Justice Operations, Family and Youth
Samardzija, Am y
403 592-4626 |
Senior Deputy Clerk Supervisor
Bounds, Heather
403 297-3681 |
Director District 2, Court of Justice Operations
Hanington, Karen
780 865-8225 |
Director, District 4, Court of Justice Operations
McPhee, Kerri
780 361-1204 |
Director, District 3, Court of Justice Operations
Bergman, Doug
780 243-3475 |
Director, Operational IMT Court of Justice Operations
Aitken, Valerie
403 297-2742 |
Hinz, Amy
780 644-7333 |
Unit Supervisor
Allard, Wendy
587 599-4932 |
Business Manager
Davis, Tracy
403 592-2617 |
Legal Counsel
Pearce, Clarissa
403 592-2617 |
Legal Counsel
Murphy, Susan
780 427-7817 |
Legal Administration
Schroeder, Sheila
780 644-8302 |
Manager Provincial Hearing Office
Adams, Kiernan
780 644-7794 |
Hearing Office Coordinator
Robitaille, Corinne
403 297-3966 |
Manager, Indigenous and Specialized Courts
Clayton, Luke
780 644-7323 |
Jensen, Jolene
403 297-3006 |
Ash, Gail
403 388-3158 |
Legal Assistant
Larson, Jo-Ann
403 297-3128 |
Administrator, Court of Justice Operations Criminal, Calgary, Courtroom Clerks
McAndrews, Rhonda
403 297-8438 |
Administrator, Court of Justice Operations Criminal, Calgary, Case Management Office
Carlson-Thorn, Catherine
403 592-4031 |
Legal Assistant
Bevans, Kim
403 381-5223 |
Judicial Clerk
Bujupi, Mimoza
403 381-5223 |
Judicial Clerk
Pegg, Melony
403 381-5223 |
Deputy Clerk
Mackay, Rhonda
403 381-5223 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Sheck, Curtis
403 381-5223 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Stringer, Jennifer
403 381-5223 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Larson, Stacey
403 340-7904 |
Manager, Red Deer
Cullum, Kimberley
403 340-7945 |
Court Administrator
Skrepnyk, Lesli
403 340-7940 |
Senior Deputy Clerk
McMullen, Marilea
780 986-6911 |
Manager, Leduc, Fort Saskatchewan and Sherwood Park
Busch, Danielle
780 427-3420 |
Poirier, Debbie
780 538-5360 |
Rahall, Angela
780 865-8280 |
VanDyk, Stephanie
403 381-5223 |
Manager, Lethbridge Court of Justice Operations
Williamson, Karen
403 381-5223 |
Court Administrator
Chorney, Carrie
403 592-4833 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Kashyap, Shormita
780 422-4733 |
Judicial Assistant
McNeil, Darlene
403 297-6761 |
Executive Assistant to the Chief Judge
Linehan, Margaret
780 427-6330 |
Judicial Assistant (Office of the Chief Judge)
Belseth, Connie
780 464-0114 |
Senior Deputy Clerk
Boissonnault, Michaella
780 464-0114 |
Senior Deputy Clerk
Chen, Tina Tingting
780 644-7332 |
Senior Deputy Clerk
Hart, Vanessa
780 644-7308 |
Senior Deputy Clerk
Holst, Nancy
780 968-6401 |
Senior Deputy Clerk
Kruger, Margaret
780 523-6600 |
Senior Deputy Clerk
Lambert, Angela
780 926-3715 |
Senior Deputy Clerk
Anderson, DanaRae
403 381-5223 |
Deputy Clerk
Berezanski, Corinna
403 297-3127 |
Deputy Clerk
Dhaliwal, Manjit
403 297-4444 |
Deputy Clerk
Frebrowski, Kimberly
780 644-8166 |
Deputy Clerk
Poirier, Tracy
780 644-7325 |
Deputy Clerk
Salguero, Karina
403 592-3268 |
Deputy Clerk
Schamp, Shauna
403 297-3127 |
Deputy Clerk
Slauenwhite, Nicole
403 529-8644 |
Deputy Clerk
Smith, Cathy J.
403 340-5250 |
Deputy Clerk
Warren, Monique
403 297-3127 |
Deputy Clerk
Whittingham, Tianna
403 381-5223 |
Deputy Clerk
Addante, Maria
403 297-3127 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Alguire, Donna
780 523-6600 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Anderson, Erika
780 644-7346 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Andrews, Suzanne
403 297-4444 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Bang, Ken
403 297-3217 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Holt, Deanna
403 381-5223 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Ross, Jennifer
403 381-5223 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Barstad, Jennifer
780 538-5360 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Blasetti, Cara
403 297-2242 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Bombay, Madeleine
780 645-6324 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Boutillier, Gracia
780 743-7136 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Boyle, Jackie
403 297-2740 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Buhler, Lori
780 644-7303 |
Administrator - Documentation and CMO
Lewandowska, Aneta
780 427-0186 |
Record Susp/Concl File Clerk
Matthezing, Kim
780 415-9056 |
Record Susp/Concl File Clerk
Ouellette, Danielle
780 641-9061 |
Record Susp/Concl File Clerk
Annear, Jody
780 422-6191 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Burkart, Colleen
780 865-8280 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Busenius, Barb
780 644-7334 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Butts, Vickie
403 297-4396 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Calliou, Terryn
780 523-6600 |
Senior Judical Clerk
Chan, Mary
403 297-3127 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Chen, Tina
780 464-0114 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Chornohus, Carmelle
780 645-6324 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Cyr, Lori
780 998-1200 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Dargis, Denise
780 645-6324 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Defosse, Diane
403 381-5223 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Dennis, Shanel
403 381-5223 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Desjarlais, Krista
403 297-4396 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Deveau, Tasha
780 679-1240 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Fennel, Megan
403 381-5223 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Fenske, Karen
780 644-7347 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Fitzmaurice, Leah
403 297-3127 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Forsyth, Patricia
403 381-5223 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Foxall, Gayle
403 381-5223 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Frey, Leslie
780 644-7338 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Gnauck, Cindy
780 645-6324 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Haire, Candis
780 523-6600 |
Senior Deputy Clerk
Hamilton, Kelly
403 529-8644 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Hammoud, Malaak
403 297-3127 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Hansen, Rosanne
403 297-3127 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Harris, Dwaine
403 297-3162 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Hess, Darcel
780 422-1604 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Hurd, Megan
780 361-1204 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Kristensen, Lisa
780 644-7350 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Kubicek, Shelly
403 381-5223 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Lamers, Jaymie
403 381-5223 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Lavasseur, Jennifer
780 643-1603 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Lenos, Vincent
780 523-6600 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Lineker, Jennifer
403 355-4002 |
Legal Assistant
MacKay, Charlotte
403 381-5223 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
MacKenzie, Beth
780 538-5360 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
MacNeil, Matt
403 297-4396 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Martel, Melissa
403 820-7300 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
McDonald, Debra
403 297-3162 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
McEachern, Joyce
780 644-7351 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
McLaggan, Anne
780 998-1200 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
McTavish, Alexandra
780 427-8383 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Moench, Chantel
403 820-7300 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Noullett, Lisa
780 538-5360 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Pistawka, Kyle
403 297-3003 |
Unit Supervisor
Prevett, Michele
780 538-5360 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Raymaakers, Sylvie
403 297-3127 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Reeves, Michelle
780 361-1204 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Rikhi, Kiran
780 638-3949 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Rodgers, Rhonda
403 340-5250 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Rousseau, Christina
780 644-7344 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Schiffner, Amy
403 297-3127 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Schinke, Sheryle
780 464-0114 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Shooter, Dawn
403 340-5250 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Singh, Sukhjot
403 297-3162 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Snelgrove, Laurie
780 853-8130 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Squires, Tanny
403 297-4396 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Steinbach, Tobi
780 458-7305 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Teynor, Lisa
780 523-6600 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Thompson, Ena
403 297-4396 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Tighe, Shannon
780 538-5360 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Tolway, Janet
780 538-5360 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Torrella, JP
780 644-7327 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Trahan, Darcel
780 638-3947 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Urton, Samantha
403 381-5223 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Vogt , Ramona
780 538-5340 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Voynovich, Jessica
403 820-7300 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Wiebe, Krista
403 381-5223 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Woollacott, Mandy
780 538-5360 |
Senior Judicial Clerk
Dela Rosa, Eliza
403 297-4444 |
Deputy Clerk Supervisor
Thornhill, Desma
780 422-4139 |
Senior Supervisor - Hearing Office
Bruneski, Victor
403 297-4444 |
Hearing Office Supervisor
McKinnon, Meagan
403 297-4444 |
Hearing Office Judicial Clerk
Mohamed, Kassam
403 297-4444 |
Hearing Office Judicial Clerk
Soto, Shirley
403 297-4444 |
Hearing Office Judicial Clerk
Stremick, Gayle
403 297-4444 |
Hearing Office Judicial Clerk
Toor, Simran
403 297-4444 |
Hearing Office Judicial Clerk
Vermesan, Teodora
403 297-4444 |
Hearing Office Judicial Clerk
Acevedo-Torres, Adriana
403 476-4891 |
Judicial Clerk
Adair, Kirsten
403 381-5223 |
Judicial Clerk
Donison, Patricia
403 820-7312 |
Judicial Clerk
Antosko, Carey
780 963-6205 |
Judicial Clerk
Bailey, Laura
780 644-7326 |
Judicial Clerk
Baran, Janis
780 644-7348 |
Judicial Clerk
Barley, Catherine
403 297-6405 |
Judicial Clerk
Begg, Tamara
780 645-6324 |
Judicial Clerk
Berezanski, Taylor
Judicial Clerk
Black, Lindsay
403 297-4396 |
Judicial Clerk
Bolton, Evelyn
780 422-2437 |
Judicial Clerk
Boser, Stephanie
403 340-5250 |
Judicial Clerk
Broder-Martin, Stephanie
780 644-8166 |
Judicial Clerk
Brothers , Stephen
403 297-4396 |
Judicial Clerk
Brousseau, Jocelyne
780 645-6324 |
Judicial Clerk
Buckley, Heide
780 458-7300 |
Judicial Clerk
Cassidy, Jaymee
403 297-3161 |
Judicial Clerk
Charanek, Amel
403 297-7788 |
Judicial Clerk
Chen, Kelli Ann
780 644-7349 |
Judicial Clerk
Chulenkov, Lindsay
403 340-5250 |
Judicial Clerk
Claughton, Danielle
780 538-5360 |
Judicial Clerk
Clayton, Alex
780 865-8280 |
Judicial Clerk
Clement, Hendrika
780 644-7317 |
Judicial Clerk
Copeland, Terri
403 381-5223 |
Judicial Clerk
Costantini, Katie
403 297-3137 |
Judicial Clerk
Czapla, Malvina
403 592-4829 |
Judicial Clerk
Czuchalek, Brianna
780 926-3715 |
Judicial Clerk
Dare, Steve
403 297-3939 |
Judicial Clerk
Desjardins, Amanda
780 422-8383 |
Judicial Clerk
Dickinson, Sarah
780 538-5360 |
Judicial Clerk
Ditlof, Max
780 422-6312 |
Judicial Clerk
Dumont, Felipe
403 381-5223 |
Judicial Clerk
Dunaway, Dru
780 644-7342 |
Judicial Clerk
Farrell, Jillian
780 743-7195 |
Judicial Clerk
Fischer, Sinclaire
403 297-3137 |
Judicial Clerk
Flynn, Darlene
403 820-7300 |
Judicial Clerk
Gaba, Neeru
403 297-3314 |
Judicial Clerk
Garrioch, Stephen
780 638-4206 |
Judicial Clerk
Grapentine, Sam
403 297-4396 |
Judicial Clerk
Gray, Teri
780 458-7300 |
Judicial Clerk
Groenen, Jill
403 340-5250 |
Judicial Clerk
Hagel, Kristine
403 340-5250 |
Judicial Clerk
Harbour, Kimberley
780 644-7343 |
Judicial Clerk
Haskins, Stacey
403 297-6981 |
Judicial Clerk
Hill, Kayla
403 381-5223 |
Judicial Clerk
Hoang, Laura
403 297-4396 |
Judicial Clerk
Hudson-McGee, Lillian
780 865-8280 |
Judicial Clerk
Humphrey, Caylin
780 422-3699 |
Judicial Clerk
Jarmolicz, Denise
780 998-1200 |
Judicial Clerk
Kallis, Salem
403 297-4444 |
Judicial Clerk
Kaur, Navdeep
403 297-7786 |
Judicial Clerk
Klein, Giselle
780 986-6911 |
Judicial Clerk
Krock, Kimberly
780 638-4208 |
Judicial Clerk
Lamae, Angel
403 297-4444 |
Judicial Clerk
Lawes, Jillian
403 381-5223 |
Judicial Clerk
Lenton, Emily
Judicial Clerk
Leterte, Chelsea
780 743-7195 |
Judicial Clerk
Levasseur, Jennifer
780 427-8383 |
Judicial Clerk
Lewis, Janell
403 381-5223 |
Judicial Clerk
Linaker, Jade
780 643-1137 |
Judicial Clerk
Macken, Kelly
403 297-4396 |
Judicial Clerk
Manyonga, Kuzi
780 638-4564 |
Judicial Clerk
Marion, Lily
780 427-8383 |
Judicial Clerk
Marques, Patricia
780 427-8383 |
Judicial Clerk
Marshall, Michelle L.
780 427-8383 |
Judicial Clerk
Matheson, Dan
403 340-5250 |
Judicial Clerk
McKinnon, Raye
780 853-8130 |
Judicial Clerk
McLaughlin, Kaci
403 381-5223 |
Judicial Clerk
McMullan, Andrea
403 592-2759 |
Judicial clerk
McNeil-Fortier, Charlene
780 427-8383 |
Judicial Clerk
Menchini, Jody
403 820-7300 |
Judicial Clerk
Mirza, Sara
780 865-8280 |
Judicial Clerk
Mohagen, Danette
403 685-2147 |
Judicial Clerk
Mok, Annette
780 644-7345 |
Judicial Clerk
Morris, Laura
780 422-3699 |
Judicial Clerk
Munajim, Julie
780 643-6489 |
Judicial Clerk
Murray, Kelly
403 340-5250 |
Judicial Clerk
Narayan, Arti
780 644-7329 |
Judicial Clerk
Nelson, Cathy
403 529-8644 |
Judicial Clerk
Nelson, Vendula
403 297-4396 |
Judicial Clerk
Netsko, Oksana
403 297-3127 |
Judicial Clerk
Nixon, Angelene
780 644-7335 |
Judicial Clerk
O'Gorman, Courtney
403 297-7772 |
Judicial Clerk
Ogle, William
403 297-4396 |
Judicial Clerk
Oulton, Allison
780 743-7195 |
Judicial Clerk
Parent, Rena
403 297-7081 |
Judicial Clerk
Patel, Pratha
403 381-5223 |
Judicial Clerk
Presiznuik, Tammy
780 427-8383 |
Judicial Clerk
Rakic, Tanja
780 538-5360 |
Judicial Clerk
Ramirez-Rivera, Rebecca
780 644-7343 |
Judicial Clerk
Reid, Edward
780 615-6615 |
Judicial Clerk
Richards, Rachel
780 963-6205 |
Judicial Clerk
Ross, Emily
403 381-5223 |
Judicial Clerk
Rougeau, Jessica
403 297-4396 |
Judicial Clerk
Rudyk, Brittany
780 644-7337 |
Judicial Clerk
Sandhu, Kiranbir
780 427-3402 |
Judicial Clerk
Sarker, Ipsha
780 644-7330 |
Judicial Clerk
Schick, Alvina
780 422-3699 |
Judicial Clerk
Serniak, Samantha
403 381-5223 |
Judicial Clerk
Simpson, Chris
403 340-5250 |
Judicial Clerk
Smith, Melanie
780 361-1204 |
Judicial Clerk
Smith, Shantelle
780 464-0114 |
Judicial Clerk
Sonnenberg, Lil
403 340-5250 |
Judicial Clerk
Srogen, Cassidy
780 963-6205 |
Judicial Clerk
Steinbring, Elizabeth
780 427-8383 |
Judicial Clerk
Stewart, Karen
780 998-1200 |
Judicial Clerk
Surovy, Candace
403 529-8710 |
Judicial Clerk
Swales, Darlene
403 297-3978 |
Judicial Clerk
Thompson, Chais
403 381-5223 |
Judicial Clerk
Tighe, Shannon
780 538-5360 |
Judicial Clerk
Turner, Kelly
780 644-7339 |
Judicial Clerk
Urkow, Braden
403 381-5223 |
Judicial Clerk
Waldbauer, Jamie
780 926-3715 |
Judicial Clerk
Ward, Stephanie
780 644-7331 |
Judicial Clerk
Wiens, Kristen
403 297-3127 |
Judicial Clerk
Wohland, Brittany
780 638-4549 |
Judicial Clerk
Yaremko, Andrea
780 644-7352 |
Judicial Clerk
Zamora, Ivy
403 297-7282 |
Judicial Clerk
Dombrosky, Karen
780 427-1392 |
Judicial Assistant
Durban-Loiselle, Jacqueline
780 427-7817 |
Judicial Assistant
Hawkins, Katherine
403 297-3156 |
Judicial Assistant
Horhut, Debbie
780 422-4733 |
Judicial Assistant
Ivankovic, Lillian
780 427-7817 |
Judicial Assistant
Jordan, Dorothy
403 592-4842 |
Judicial Assistant
Kurtz, Sharon
403 381-5275 |
Judicial Assistant
Lenko, Brenda
780 427-6330 |
Judicial Assistant
London, Naomi
780 427-0442 |
Judicial Assistant
Martin, Amy
780 427-7817 |
Judicial Assistant
Maurier, Patricia
403 340-5546 |
Judicial Assistant
McNally, Kelsey
403 297-3937 |
Judicial Assistant
Nidhi, Sharma
403 297-3156 |
Judicial Assistant
Pecman, Victoria
780 427-0105 |
Judicial Assistant
Petry, Kate
403 381-5223 |
Judicial Assistant
Savory, Patricia
780 427-8717 |
Judicial Assistant
Schlenker, Anita
403 529-8675 |
Judicial Assistant
Schmidek, Kelsi
403 297-3937 |
Judicial Assistant
Syrja, Shannon
780 833-4950 |
Judicial Assistant/Judicial Scheduler
VanDyke, Tricia
403 297-3156 |
Judicial Assistant
Van Nistelrooy, Wendy
403 381-5223 |
Judicial Assistant
Blais, Darrell J.
780 422-3699 |
Justice of the Peace
Booth, John
780 422-3699 |
Justice of the Peace
Bowron, James
780 422-3699 |
Justice of the Peace
Brennan, Q.C., Tracy
403 297-4444 |
Justice of the Peace
Da Chi Wan, Samuel
403 297-4444 |
Justice of the Peace
Faulkner, William M.
780 422-3699 |
Justice of the Peace
Hanly, Deborah
403 297-4444 |
Justice of the Peace
Hogle, William
780 422-3966 |
Justice of the Peace
King, Maxie
780 422-3699 |
Justice of the Peace
MacKay, Lilly
403 297-4444 |
Justice of the Peace
Milne, William
403 297-4444 |
Justice of the Peace
Morgan, Scott
403 297-4444 |
Justice of the Peace
Shiplett, William
403 297-4444 |
Justice of the Peace
Smith, Michael Scott
780 422-3699 |
Justice of the Peace
Stelmaczonek, Richard
780 422-3699 |
Justice of the Peace
Verenka, Angeline
403 297-4444 |
Justice of the Peace
Zaharko, Ian A.
780 422-3699 |
Justice of the Peace
Zmurchyk, Renee
403 297-4444 |
Justice of the Peace
Ackroyd, Darryl, QC
780 422-4673 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Bagg, Sara
403 297-4444 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Burt, Laura
403 297-2358 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Christopher, Catherine
403 297-4444 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Chowdhury, Sunita
403 297-4444 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Conley, James
403 297-3967 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Davis, Stephen
403 297-4444 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Douglas, Stewart
780 422-3699 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Dumaresque, Nicole
403 297-4444 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Elliott, Danny
403 297-2007 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Ellis, David
403 340-5546 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Elton, Martin
780 422-3699 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Gorsalitz, Stafford
403 340-5546 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Henderson, Lisa
403 297-4444 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Langeste, Thomas
780 427-5193 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Logan, David
780 538-5360 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Luttmer, Dianne
403 297-4444 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Macdonald, Christopher
403 297-4444 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Moher, Jody
780 427-5913 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Morris, Leslie G.
403 297-4444 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Newcombe, Edward Paul
403 592-4667 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Parken, Diane
403 297-4444 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Price, David
403 381-5223 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Roginski, Peter
403 297-4444 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Roy, Francine
780 427-5913 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Schlayer, Arnold
780 427-5193 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Vomberg, Emanuel
403 297-4444 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Yaverbaum, Irving
780 422-3699 |
Sitting Justice of the Peace
Churchward, Trina
Okotoks Community Judicial Clerk
Neale, Brianna
403 297-4396 |
Martinez Lopez, Maykel
403 592-3106 |
Judicial Orders Production Clerk
Stancin, Michele
780 644-7315 |
Supervisor, Documentation
Callihoo, Michelle
780 644-7308 |
Counter Supervisor
Shandro, Jennifer
403 297-8444 |
Legal Assistant
Sandhu, Sonia
403 355-4202 |
Accounting Clerk
Sibirkin, Evgeni
403 297-4746 |
Accounting Clerk
Heerensperger, Tara
403 297-2746 |
Administrative Support Supervisor - Warrants
Lapointe-Faul, Nicole
780 538-8947 |
Administrative Assistant
Aitken-Fisher, Kyle
403 297-4242 |
Administrative Support
Clark, Julie
780 538-5360 |
Administrative Support
Debly, Andrew
403 297-4396 |
Administrative Support
Encarnacion, Wayne
780 422-3699 |
Administrative Support
Fraser, Katherine E.
780 427-7817 |
Administrative Support
Kress, Cheryl
780 427-5673 |
Administrative Support
Lariviere, Jessica
403 297-2918 |
Administrative Support
Logan, Judith
780 538-5360 |
Administrative Support
Ma, Sherry
403 297-3929 |
Administrative Support
Morrison, Peter
403 297-4242 |
Administrtive Support
Oguntuase, Adenike
403 297-3137 |
Administrative Support
Orobko, Garett
403 340-5220 |
Administrative Support
Pastorin, Vanessa
780 743-7345 |
Administrative Support
Peever, Darlene
403 297-4746 |
Administrative Support
Pukhashvili, Oleksiy (Alex)
780 427-8714 |
Administrative Support - Finished Filing
Salame, Zeinab
780 743-7195 |
Administrative Support
Senait, Tazaz
403 297-3162 |
Administrative Support
Tweed, Marnie
403 529-8716 |
Administrative Support
Vega, Lovely
780 427-5913 |
Administrative Support
Gill, Kiran
403 592-4842 |
Cashier/Court Clerk
Deala, Cherobim
403 297-3923 |
Court Runner
Samson, Reginald
403 297-5767 |
Court Runner
Bradshaw, Caroline
780 422-3699 |
Data Entry Clerk
Chubey, Jackie
403 297-4396 |
Data Entry Clerk
Curammeng, Joeneil
403 297-3137 |
Data Entry Clerk
Amiri, Reena
780 644-7320 |
Judicial Orders Prod Clerk
Anderson, Christy Jean M.
780 644-7313 |
Judicial Orders Prod Clerk
Besana, Jesusa (Susan)
780 644-7363 |
Judicial Orders Prod Clerk
Chen-Tang, Serena
780 644-7316 |
Judicial Orders Prod Clerk
Darlington, Patti
780 638-1367 |
Judicial Orders Prod Clerk
Jung, Jeongrok
780 638-1369 |
Judicial Orders Prod Clerk
Kwok, Flora
780 644-3608 |
Judicial Orders Prod Clerk
Mejia, Ayessa
780 644-7322 |
Judicial Orders Prod Clerk
Neri, Renata
780 422-9645 |
Judicial Orders Prod Clerk
Opena, Mayflor
780 644-7312 |
Judicial Orders Prod Clerk
Panesar, Varinder
780 644-7370 |
Judicial Orders Prod Clerk
Rakkar, Jatinder
780 644-7309 |
Judicial Orders Prod Clerk
Struk, Debra
780 644-7324 |
Judicial Orders Prod Clerk
Duong, Tony
403 297-4242 |
Data Entry Clerk
Fear, Jesse
403 297-4242 |
Data Entry Clerk
Fisher, Maxine
403 297-3049 |
Data Entry Clerk
Jones, Alexis
403 297-3356 |
Data Entry Clerk
Kovacs, Lynn
403 297-3137 |
Data Entry Clerk
Lawson, Colton
403 297-3960 |
Data Entry Clerk
McKenzie, Caroline
403 297-4329 |
Data Entry Clerk
Mohamed, Ehlana
403 355-4129 |
Data Entry Clerk
Nielsen, Veniece
403 297-3137 |
Data Entry Clerk
Rakkarm, Jatinder
780 427-8383 |
Data Entry Clerk
Rinehart, Karis
403 297-4329 |
Data Entry Clerk
Rosca, David
403 297-3137 |
Data Entry Clerk
Rowe, Tori
403 297-4242 |
Data Entry Clerk
Sandhu, Inderjeet
403 297-4329 |
Data Entry Clerk
Uwaruginwa, Marie-Louise
780 427-8383 |
Data Entry Clerk
Wohlgeschaffen, Greg
403 297-4330 |
Data Entry Clerk
Wolfert, Carmen
403 297-3137 |
Data Entry Clerk
Yacie, Holly
403 297-4329 |
Data Entry Clerk
Tran, Hong
403 592-2922 |
Documentation Clerk
Von Hollen, Laura-Lee
403 355-4702 |
Documentation Clerk
Besana, Susan
780 427-8383 |
Finished Filing Clerk
Kopr, Marie
780 427-8383 |
Finished Filing Clerk
Pukhashvilii, Oleksiy
780 427-8383 |
Finished Filing Clerk
Bell, Amber
403 340-5235 |
Order Clerk
Kohrs, Nicole
403 297-7395 |
Order Clerk
Sinclair, Linda
780 422-3699 |
Hearing Office Supervisor
Boettger, Darcy
780 422-3699 |
Hearing Office Clerk
Desautels, Katherine
403 297-4444 |
Hearing Office Clerk
Grouette, Pamela
780 422-3699 |
Hearing Office Clerk
Lindberg, Cheryl
780 422-3699 |
Hearing Office Clerk
Parent, Dianne
780 422-7681 |
Sr. Judicial Clerk
Sankar, Radhica
780 422-3699 |
Hearing Office Clerk
Montinola, Janice
780 422-3699 |
Hearing Office Clerk
Roy, Michelle
780 427-1963 |
Legal Counsel
Skinner, Neil, Q.C.
780 427-0459 |
Legal Counsel
Longson, Lyndon
403 297-4329 |
Remands Clerk
Ballesteros Lara, Jaime
403 297-2746 |
Accounting/Warrant Supervisor
Huff, Debra
780 644-7304 |
Search Warrant Coordinator
Cartwright, Krista
403 355-4702 |
Warrant Clerk
McKeller, Lindsey
780 644-7318 |
Court-Ordered Interpreter Co-Ordinator
Dyck, Debbie
403 529-8644 |
Judicial Clerk
Additional Employee Listings
Name |
Phone |
Alary, Laureen
403 297-3156
Aleman, Melanie
403 529-8644
Arbuckle, Shelley
403 340-5250
Badangan, Celia
780 638-4242
Barkshire, Terrie
403 340-5250
Barnes-Rivera, Chelsie
403 340-5250
Bennett, Lesa
780 986-6911
Boyd, Kim
403 297-3969
Callaghan, Melissa
403 297-7772
Carlson, Danielle
780 986-6911
Chahley, Monica
780 853-8130
Chambers, Sarah
780 986-6911
Chaschin, Neanila Nila
780 422-4334
Christensen, Sherry
403 340-5250
Clark, Lorie
403 297-3137
Cook, Giselle
403 340-5250
Cooper, Trinda
780 743-7195
Cummings, Kari
403 340-5250
Dhalla, Yasmin
403 297-3156
Doherty, Meghan
403 529-8644
Doyle, Michele
780 427-5913
Drobot, Sharlene
403 340-5250
Durant, Susan
403 297-4747
Ekholm, Sharlene
780 679-1240
Fauth, Delihla
403 529-8644
Forrester, Terine
403 340-5250
Gaffney, Marian
780 679-1240
Ganton, Laurie
780 853-8130
Goebel, Darlene
780 963-6205
Grattinger, Charlsie
780 865-8280
Gray, Terry
780 427-7863
Gylander, Cindy
780 963-6205
Hansen, Melany
780 865-8280
Harris, Katherine
780 865-8280
Hemraj, Donna
403 297-3156
Hunter, Kimberly
780 853-8130
Jenkins, Lynda
403 297-3968
Kemp, Sheralyn
403 340-5250
Krawchuk, Christi
780 986-6911
Kwasnycia, Patricia
780 427-0110
LaFleche, Marcel
780 415-4746
Lagace, Marla
403 340-5250
Lanteigne, Erica
403 297-4444
Loyek, Ayleen
403 340-5250
Lukay, Laura
780 458-7300
MacDonald, Corrie
403 340-5250
Mackie, Chris
403 340-5250
Maxson, Lynn
403 340-5250
McCarthy, Lucille
403 297-2742
McIntosh, Beverly
780 427-8713
Myers, Sasha
403 529-8644
Myskiw, Allyson
403 297-3147
Noullett, Lisa
780 538-5360
Osadchy, Nicole
403 529-8644
Parreno, Dranrod
780 422-2520
Pasenko, Tracy
780 427-1963
Paziuk, Heather
780 853-8130
Petersen, Warren
403 297-2743
Pilote, Shelley
403 340-5290
Robson, Rhonda
780 865-8280
Rosenberger, Chaitra
780 865-8280
Rowe, Linda
780 963-6205
Sadiora, Harpreet
780 427-7869
Sailer, Rhonda
403 340-5250
Sangha, Amandeep
403 297-2745
Sceviour, Roxanne
403 340-5250
Scheie, Trista
780 986-6911
Seimeanu, Cristina
403 340-5250
Sontag, Karen
780 963-6205
Stewart, Darcie
403 297-3684
Stuart, Jackie
780 427-8713
Stuffco, Phil
780 422-3699
Sudsbury, Joyce
403 297-3156
Swyrd, Dianne
780 427-7868
Thomson, Chelsee
780 422-2624
Van Dyk, Doreen
780 458-7300
Viens, Elizabeth
403 381-5223
Wascherol, Karen
780 853-8130
Wells, Deborah
Court of Justice Operations
403 340-5250
403 340-7985
403 340-5250
West, Terri
780 865-8280
White, Laurelie
780 422-4021
Wilson, Cheryl-Kim
403 297-4330
Wilson, Meaghan
780 422-3699
Womacks, Francine
403 340-5250
Woolsey, Kelly
403 340-5250
Yadvinder, Kahlon
403 592-2922