Transportation and Economic Corridors
Organizational Units
Procurement Strategy and Planning
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Busch, Chelle
780 638-3047 |
Director, Procurement Strategyand Planning
Michel, Genevieve
780 427-1581 |
Manager, Strategic Sourcing
Ashiq, Muhammad
780 644-1139 |
Project Procurement Engineer
Chowdhury, Mohammad Ashraf
780 427-2097 |
Procurement Planning Engineer
Powell, Adele
780 415-1041 |
Procurement Planning Engineer
Adagala, Kenneth
780 415-9963 |
Project Procurement Officer
780 638-1188 |
Project Procurement Officer
Jackson, Katie
780 415-5856 |
Project Procurement Officer
Mammadov, Ikhityar
Project Procurement Officer
Novak, Robert
Project Procurement Officer
Procurement Strategy and Planning
Transportation and Economic Corridors
780 644-7581
780 644-7581
Project Procurement Officer
Tran, Hieu
780 422-7448 |
Project Procurement Officer
Ma, Colleen
780 427-3938 |
Procurement Planning Coordinator
Kuziemsky, Glenda
780 415-1067 |
Procurement Planning Support
Jans, Elliesa
780 643-0659 |
Administrative Support