Transportation and Economic Corridors
Organizational Units
Policy, Development and Coordination (PC)
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Ball, Kristina
587 785-9777 |
Tomlinson, Sandy
587 873-2961 |
Manager, Legislative Planner
Beier, Faith
Legislative Assistant
Policy, Development and Coordination (PC)
Transportation and Economic Corridors
780 415-6489
780 415-6489
Legislative Assistant
Maweni, Joel
587 338-5690 |
Manager, Divisional Policy
Brandvold, Sarah
780 644-5526 |
Senior Policy Advisor
Dittrich, Jody
780 644-5114 |
Senior Policy Advisor
Oladunni, Sunday
780 427-7573 |
Senior Policy Advisor
Yiu, Maria
780 415-1653 |
Senior Policy Advisor
Marah, Esther
780 422-8913 |
Policy Advisor