Technology and Innovation
Organizational Units
Transfers, Storage and Disposition
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Thompson, Sheryn
780 427-0040 |
Manager, Transfers, Storage and Disposition
Krowchynski, Donia
780 415-0413 |
Team Lead
Bazowsky, Barbara
780 427-5424 |
Records Coordinator
Cooper, Crystal
780 644-1660 |
Records Coordinator
Managuelod, Beth
780 427-5432 |
Records Coordinator
Campbell, Kathy
780 415-2958 |
Records Coordinator
Mangunay, Sonia
780 427-2529 |
Records Coordinator
Yumang, Lirio (Lee) Yumang
780 644-7433 |
Site Supervisor
780 644-3778 |
Records Coordinator
Rajan, Pyarali
780 638-2919 |
Records Coordinator
Pillay, Nalini
780 422-2326 |
Team Lead, Transfers, Storage and Disposition
Letwin, Colleen
780 422-0753 |
Site Supervisor
Vieira, David
780 643-1311 |
Records Coordinator
Hartley, Jonathan
780 415-0480 |
Records Coordinator
Cote, Linda
780 427-4599 |
Records Coordinator
Popal, Denise
780 415-9154 |
Records Coordinator
Ali, Kasserine
780 422-7670 |
Records Coordinator
Labine, Donna
780 422-7607 |
Site Supervisor
Gomes, Frederick
780 427-6579 |
Records Coordinator
Klassen, Corrin
780 643-1991 |
Records Coordinator
Lafrance, Shelly
780 638-3149 |
Records Coordinator
Leeder, Ryan
780 638-3149 |
Records Coordinator
Wireko, Carolyn
780 415-1980 |
Records Coordinator
Clements, Ronald
780 427-5677 |
Team Lead, Transfer, Storage and Disposition
Wade, Steadman
Site Supervisor
Transfers, Storage and Disposition
Technology and Innovation
Site Supervisor
Byron, Mary
780 415-0711 |
Records Technician
Clemens, Sharon
780 638-9548 |
Records Coordinator
Alva, Alexi
780 427-6338 |
Records Coordinator
Craig, Cheryl
780 427-5595 |
Records Coordinator
de Boer, Jennifer
780 427-5608 |
Records Coordinator
Ibrahim, Marwa
780 415-0718 |
Records Coordinator
Tolonen, Karon
Disposition Records Coordinator
Wills, Wendy
780 644-1110 |
Records Coordinator
Glazerman, Leona
780 623-5122 |
Site Supervisor
Cloutier, Christina
780 324-3212 |
Records Coordinator
Abubakari, Sally
780 422-8033 |
Records Coordinator
Holmen, Andy
780 644-7265 |
Records Coordinator
Dias, Raquel
780 415-0711 |
Disposition Records Coordinator
Payette, Francine
780 638-9548 |
Disposition Records Coordinator
Fraser, Barbara
780 427-4590 |
Records Coordinator
Rocholl, Penney
780 415-0704 |
Disposition Records Coordinator
Lastuka, Shannon
403 345-7965 |
Site Supervisor
Azzahra, Noor Fatma
780 643-0772 |
Disposition Records Coordinator
Baquiran, Alma
780 641-8884 |
Disposition Records Coordinator
Cherwaty, Patti
780 422-5706 |
Disposition Records Coordinator
Kirkwood, Susan
780 427-4591 |
Disposition Records Coordinator
Cheng, Allan
780 427-5591 |
Site Supervisor
Mizen, Michael
780 427-5679 |
Records Coordinator
Langlois, Shaun
780 415-8424 |
Records Coordinator
Burgess, Tim
780 427-5681 |
Records Coordinator
Hyshka, Wesley
780 427-1802 |
Records Coordinator