Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction
Organizational Units
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Richardson, Diane
780 643-2747 |
Team Lead
Spensley, Laurie
780 643-2747 |
Team Lead
Babii, Mariia
780 427-1432 |
Information Officer
Bara, Kanwaljit
780 427-1432 |
Information Officer
Carpenter, Haley
780 427-1432 |
Information Officer
Flores, Thomas
780 427-1432 |
Information Officer
James, Jessica
780 427-1432 |
Information Officer
Jeelal, Amal
780 427-1432 |
Information Officer
Marx, Alexandra
780 427-1432 |
Information Officer
Mawji, Rubina
780 427-1432 |
Information Officer
Ojih, Tega
780 427-1432 |
Information Officer
Tenitska, Ievgeniia
780 427-1432 |
Information Officer
Wijesuriya, Saman
780 427-1432 |
Information Officer
Williams, Kimberley
Information Officer
Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction
780 427-1432
780 422-0102
780 427-1432
Information Officer
Yu, Ana Lea
780 427-1432 |
Information Officer