Seniors, Community and Social Services
Organizational Units
Program Policy and Innovation
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Tilley, Jessica
587 357-8939 |
Director, Program Policy and Innovation
Assistant to the Director
Savage, Amber
780 850-4679 |
Manager, Disability Advisory and Engagement
Romaniuk, Amber
780 643-0646 |
Senior Program and Policy Advisor
Trinh, Kristine
780 289-2117 |
Manager, Program Policy and Research
Thomas, Tibu
780 422-0545 |
Senior Program and Policy Advisor
Bignell, Allison
780 644-1039 |
Program and Policy Advisor
Kosteniuk, Brynn
780 638-2809 |
Program and Policy Advisor
Analyst, Advisory and Engagement
Winters, Devon (Franki)
780 643-0703 |
Engagement and Project Management Specialist
Oza, Siddhi
780 415-8619 |
Council/Committee Assistant
Bosko, Theresa
780 819-0904 |
Manager, Program and Innovation
Bushell, Felisha
Senior Issues Coordinator
Opaleye, Seun
780 422-5475 |
Senior Issues Coordinator
Sharun, Solomiya
Program and Policy Advisor