Seniors, Community and Social Services
Organizational Units
Provincial AISH Application and Adjudication Units
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Allen, Kirsten
780 644-1913 |
Acting Manager
Bayingana, Serge
587 759-6857 |
AISH Application Assessor
Ekemu, Alice
587 469-3006 |
AISH Application Assessor
Atkinson, Shanah
780 644-2946 |
AISH Application Processor
Silverfox, Tara
780 644-8742 |
AISH Adjudicator Team Lead
Ayotte, Donna
587 759-6810 |
AISH Adjudicator
Christensen, Sheri
587 759-6810 |
AISH Adjudicator
Johnson, Tracey L.
403 340-5353 |
AISH Adjudicator
Markus, Jayme
403 754-6246 |
AISH Adjudicator
McElhaw, Bev
403 388-1977 |
AISH Adjudicator
Prosser, Sandra
403 845-8583 |
AISH Adjudicator
Ryan, Veronica
587 759-6810 |
AISH Adjudicator
Bakala, Natasha
780 644-2946 |
Specialized Assessor
Albiez, Rachel
587 759-6810 |
AISH Adjudicator
Chan, Linda
587 759-6810 |
AISH Adjudicator
Donnelly, Marc
403 355-4543 |
AISH Adjudicator
Donovan, Karen
587 759-6810 |
AISH Adjudicator
Snow, Darlene
587 759-6810 |
AISH Adjudicator
Wetzel, Cherisse
587 759-6810 |
AISH Adjudicator
Nduwimana, Estella
587 759-6855 |
AISH Application Assessor