Seniors, Community and Social Services
Organizational Units
Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Main Number
780 422-1868 |
Personal Directives Information
Camminatore, Linda
780 427-6041 |
Public Trustee
Clarkson, Channing
780 422-1916 |
Assistant Public Trustee
McKay, Rene
780 422-2633 |
Executive Assistant to the Public Trustee
Ramos, Ning
780 427-5935 |
Advisory Counsel, Public Trustee
O'Dea, Sara
780 422-2676 |
Executive Director, Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee
Bradley, Lakeisha-Anne
780 643-1228 |
Executive Assistant
Rouine, Eoin
780 203-7817 |
Director, Risk and Quality
Nielsen, Laura
780 422-2709 |
Office Coordinator
Huang, Na
587 783-1763 |
Manager, Performance Measures and Evaluation
Lundell, Kim
780 427-9948 |
Public Guardian
Featherstone, Tricia
780 218-5773 |
Manager, Trust Administration
Duncan, Ashley
780 422-7824 |
Supervisor, Program Administration
Kaur, Avinash
780 644-1383 |
Case Aide
Hamel, Hayley
780 644-1726 |
Policy Analyst
Bona, Joscelyn
403 754-6201 |
OPGT Trainer/Educator
Blackwell, Melanie
780 638-3252 |
Policy Analyst