Seniors, Community and Social Services
Organizational Units
Office of the Advocate for Persons with Disabilities
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
McMeekin, Gregory
587 577-9209 |
Advocate for Persons with Disabilities
McBride, Lori
403 476-4556 |
MacLean, Alison
Advocate Representative
Office of the Advocate for Persons with Disabilities
Seniors, Community and Social Services
403 476-4558
403 476-4558
Advocate Representative
Nicholson, Lisa
403 662-3703 |
Advocate Representative
Eresman, Dee Dee
825 210-2032 |
Administrative Assistant
Popplestone, Ryan
780 422-4228 |
Chappell, Jennifer
780 641-9243 |
Advocate Representative
Heneghan-Smith, Sasha
Advocate Representative
Oldfield, Colleen
780 638-2832 |
Advocate Representative
Junior Advocate Representative / Researcher
Konyer, Marilyn
780 422-2450 |
Administrative Assistant